Art Work by VOHL

Art Work by VOHL March 20, 2024

(Today’s post features art work by British artist VOHL.  A brief bio is provided below.)



“Transformation.” This work is about regaining one’s power and unleashing one’s higher self to its fullest potential.









“Nature Is All Around You Not What You See.”  Nature is what we feel and connect to inwards. It is feeling grounded and connected to mother earth. The dark forest represents part of the unconscious that we don’t want to visit, but that is waiting to be explored through the depths of shadow inner work.






“The Sacred Blue Star Kachina.”  It is about purification and renewal of life. It represents the portal to transcendence.









“Eye of the Sun.”  It shows a golden solstice sun that brings warmth, light and life back to earth, the light that awakens Arthur sleeping inside the mountain on earth, when his help is required, the sleeping dragon looks towards Newgrange Brú na Bóinne awaiting the essence from her womb.








“Birth of the Pendragon.” It depicts the birth of the golden son.








“Finding the Light Within.” It is about finding the centre of the soul, awakening the second brain of the gut, the centre to the divine that connects us, and bringing it outwards to shield us, the serpent represents the ego, finding the ego unleashing ones inner light.

Go with them like a whisper in their ear, cause them emotions and fear, but if they find you, you will be bound to your tail, you will no longer cause them emotions of fear, your whispers will become faint, they will become your fate!






“Transformation Unconscious Explored.”  This work is about exploring the unconscious in search of intuition, purification, enlightenment,  and the soul’s transformation. It is about finding a bridge between inner worlds.





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The Spiritual Naturalist Society works to spread awareness of spiritual naturalism as a way of life, develop its thought and practice, and help bring together like-minded practitioners in fellowship.

SNS strives to include diverse voices within the spectrum of naturalistic spirituality. Authors will vary in their opinions, terms, and outlook. The views of no single author therefore necessarily reflect those of all Spiritual Naturalists or of SNS.

Brief Bio: I create my art from visions, dreams and my own reflections. I Discovered the spirit name VOHL through deep inner work and exploring the spiritual realms of my own psyche. In a lucid dream, these were delivered to me on a scroll from a messenger bird. This guided me to Druidry.  I have began writing a fantasy novel, based on mental health, a spiritually awakening, and active imagination, in which most of my pieces will be brought to life as I cross the bridge between worlds.

I have fully enjoyed capturing these visions. More importantly I found my inner child who loved painting and writing. She had been lost for so long, but now she is helping me through my intuition. Being a single mum I am grateful for my spiritual experiences, guiding me to change my own pattern in life, and do something I would never have the courage to do. Expressing is bursting out of me with vibrant colors like a village of hidden lakes. I wonder where it will take me.

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