August 3, 2023

 by Thomas Schenk I have been reading An Alchemy of Mind by Diane Ackerman, a book that explores recent discoveries about the human brain. In a chapter titled “The Emotional Climate,” I came upon some sentences that provided insight into a question that has troubled me for some time. The question is: Why, amid the great prosperity of the modern Western world, are so many people angry and unhappy? The sentences are: The discrepancy between the actual world and what we choose to... Read more

July 27, 2023

 by Jeff Worthy High School, Hibbing, MN Each of us seeks fulfillment in our lives. This can take many shapes and mean different things to different people, but for our purposes here, we will be talking about the fulfillment that comes from knowing that the work you do each day is making a difference in the world. In this sense, when you feel “fulfilled,” you feel like you are achieving the purpose you set out for when you chose a specific... Read more

July 27, 2023

 by Eric Steinhart Our bodies obviously suffer: they get injured and sick, they age and die.  Life as a body is just plain painful.  Lots of spiritual philosophies and practices are ways we respond to our suffering bodies.  These responses often involve dissociation.  Dissociation is a way of separating your consciousness from its awareness of the painful condition of your body.  When you use dissociative techniques, your awareness becomes split off from the awareness of your painful body.  When you dissociate,... Read more

July 17, 2023

 by Thomas Schenk The year I graduated from high school (1971), my brother and I spent the summer traveling throughout the Western United States.  Along the way, someone gave me a copy of The Upanishads, which I casually read as we traveled. In Washington, somewhere between Mount Rainier and Yakima, while my brother drove, I dozed off. While sleeping, I had a vivid dream. In the dream I saw a golden ball on the horizon. As I gazed at it, golden strings... Read more

July 17, 2023

by Leigh Anderson Photo by Sébastien Goldberg on Unsplash I want to move my mindfulness practice into more of my daily life. I am aware of wanting to be mindful while I walk, but that doesn’t mean that I’m practicing mindfulness at the time. I pay more attention to what’s going on in my environment or what’s going on inside my head. It seems so much easier to be mindful when I’m sitting still in a chair and concentrating on... Read more

June 29, 2023

 by Daniel Shkolnik The point of this writing is not to make a rational argument or assert truth-claims, but to bring you into a state of presence. I invite you to read the following sentences without agreeing or disagreeing with anything I say and let the words lead you into presence: Be awake. Be alert. Or you’ll miss it. Be like a cat watching a mouse-hole. Be like a servant waiting for the master to return. You never know when “God”... Read more

June 29, 2023

by Thomas Schenk (Having had more than enough eating, drinking and merriment over the holidays, I offer this piece to start the new year.) “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die” – is this not the simplest, most natural philosophy worth putting into words? It cuts through all religious, metaphysical, and supernatural assertions and points directly to the obvious: we’re going to die and there is no credible evidence that death is anything but the end. So why... Read more

June 20, 2023

by SNS Guest (This article is by guest writer John Stokdijk. For a short bio, see below.) There is no consensus on free will among great thinkers who are far more intelligent and much more knowledgeable on the matter than I am. I could spend years trying to understand what Daniel Dennett, John Searle, Julian Biggini, Alfred Mele, Susan Blackmore, Christian List and numerous others have to say about free will. Therefore, on an intellectual level, I DO NOT KNOW if... Read more

June 20, 2023

June 15, 2023 by Gregory Gronbacher We’re considering this image, created by Danial Strain, for our new logo. NOTE: This week’s SNS article differs slightly from what you’re used to reading. Due to a scheduling conflict, the slot for this week’s article opened up, and I asked if I could use it to give everyone an overview of where SNS stands as of June 2023. So, here we go. Spiritual Naturalist Society at a Glance About ten years ago, Daniel Strain and others launched the... Read more

June 11, 2023

 by Thomas Schenk I’m surprised that humans didn’t discover something like Darwinian evolution from observing human behavior. Metaphors comparing human behavior with the behavior of other animals date back to early times. Our sexuality is goatish, we eat like pigs, we lock horns in battle, we strive to be top dog, to provide a few examples. Such metaphors show that humans have long been aware that we share traits with other animals. It shouldn’t have been too hard, at least for... Read more

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