Hold On to Your Faith!

Hold On to Your Faith! September 21, 2023

There is a truth that God has a plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says :

” For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you

not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.

There is a space between promise and fulfillment . There is a truth that has enough integrity for us to hold on to.

So Hold on to Your Faith.

Some of us are so impatient that we get impatient with God; we get frustrated with waiting on God to do what God has already said He would do!

But what do you do when you’re waiting on the fulfillment of a promise from God

and you find yourself in a space between promise and fulfillment?

It’s a difficult space; It’s a conflicted space; It’s an uncertain space.  Yet, I encourage you to believe by Faith and Hold

On things will work out as God planned. Wait I say on the Lord!

BIO Evangelist Tamala J Coleman Tamala Jenise Coleman is a 8X Best Seller Author with a total of 15 Books published. Tamala has been writing for over 16 years and she has developed the potential to write with intentions to encourage and inspire others . Furthermore, Tamala has credits as a Director, and Producer of Stage Plays and Film. She has won several Film Script Credits to date. She is also the Founder and Editor and Chief of NSpire Christian Magazine. Tamala strives to empower women and inspire the masses with the power of faith. Tamala is the Host of “ The Outpouring Podcast Show” weekly and has been Hosting Podcasts for over 7 years. Tamala is a Minister at her home church but her Ministry is not restricted between the walls of a building. She believes what the word says “Go and make disciples of men Preach and Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ’ Social Media Contacts: FacebookTamala Coleman Instagram: Iam_TamalaColeman www. TamalaColemanbooks@ yolasite com www.nspirechristianmagazine.com Email: [email protected] You can read more about the author here.

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