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Maronite Monks of Adoration
Melkite Greek Catholic Church
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National Apostolate of Maronites
Romanian Catholic.org
Ruthenian Byz Catholic Church
Syriac Catholic.org
Syriac Rite Divine Liturgy
Syro Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat
USA Maronite. org
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St. Ann’s Catholic Church
Charlotte Eucharistic Congress 2011
Diocese of Charlotte
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Religious Communities
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Benedictines at St. Mary’s Monastery
Benedictines at Subiaco Abbey
Benedictines in Le Barroux, France
Benedictines in Nursia, Italy
Benedictines of Mary
Byzantine Discalced Carmelites
Carmelite Hermits in Christoval, Texas
Carmelite Hermits in Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Carmelite Monks of Wyoming
Carthusians in Arlington, Vermont
Cistercian Monastery of Nový Dvůr
Cistercian Monks at Spring Bank
Cistercian Nuns at Valley of Our Lady
Clear Creek Monks
Dominican Province of St. Joseph
Fathers of Mercy
Franciscans of the Immaculate
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters
Maronite Monks of Adoration
Monastery of Christ in the Desert
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
St. Louis Abbey
Trappists at Asumption Abbey
Trappists at the Abbey of Gethsemani
Trappists Monks at Spencer Abbey
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