Things Christians Say – You Need God’s Protection

Things Christians Say – You Need God’s Protection March 15, 2022







Most of my criticism of Christians is probably more accurately directed at evangelical Christians. But, to some degree, it applies across the board. For this discussion, I’m assuming that most Christians see some kind of protection in the church, it’s organization, in the patriarchal hierarchy, and in religion in general?  It is common to hear language about getting out from under some sort of protection when we begin to think for ourselves.

I see this as dangerous because it promotes whatever organizational ideas that brand of  Christianity has with the scare tactic of exposure and making ourselves vulnerable.  One example would be to tell someone leaving the church that they are outside the protection of the leadership of the church to shame them into coming back.

I don’t believe there’s anything supernatural or exceptional in the hierarchical relationships in the church other than what you would get from any other normal relationship. Sometimes people give good advice, sometimes a friend warns you of potential danger, and often we even physically protect each other. But the leadership at the church does not have any special abilities to keep us from harm. In fact, many times we expose ourselves to harm inside of organizations that are trying to protect themselves more than us..

We hear of victims being shamed to protect the reputation of the organization.  Churches often talk about ” the world” as a dangerous place that they can give you protection from, but it’s generally not true.  Christians in Ukraine were not protected from Vladimir Putin who also professes to be a believer.

Sometimes, what masquerades as protection is really just people huddling in tight circles and not participating in society. This works for a little while until they have to start participating again and are exposed to normal everyday concerns.

Politicians and preachers use this tactic to give the illusion that they can save us from the world. Politicians say “we have to take our country back” and preachers say “we have to redeem our world” and they both are inferring that by following them, you will be under this protection.

The false assumption that these leaders make is that they have some kind of inner knowing that we do not have.  They infer that they speak directly to God or God speaks directly to them and somehow they will be able to keep us from harm.

But many people are discovering that if God is in us then we also are able to discern for ourselves the wise and safest path.  We are not inferior to these appointed leaders just because they have educational or different life experiences than us.

Why would God tell someone else what is best for me? Why wouldn’t they tell me directly?  Why would God hide behind an organization or a leadership structure that was invented by man?

I am learning that I can trust my inner knowing.  And even the basic assumption that I need protection from evil is a little off to me these days.  What I need more than protection from evil is an understanding of love and I find that deep inside me.  I don’t inherit it from some kind of leader that was appointed for me.

It would benefit us greatly to spend time in solitude and find this love that is inside all of us that helps us live this life more authentically than to mindlessly spend time attending services hoping for something to spread its wings around us.

I hope that you find this knowing inside of you and that you feel safe and secure as you pursue this life of love.   I hope that you don’t trust in a man, woman, or organization to keep you safe.

Learning to trust ourselves may be one of the greatest steps we can take in our evolution.

Be where you are, be who you are,

Karl Forehand







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