We invite you to blog on: mothering and “Mother-Work”

We invite you to blog on: mothering and “Mother-Work” May 1, 2013

Women of Spirit and Faith has joined with multiple organizations to invite events across the Earth on Mother’s Day in celebration of Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties – ALL women – as the Earth’s original peacekeepers.

As part of the celebrations, we extend an invitation to you to send us a blog of 300-700 words on the topic of “Mother Work”. Included in this broad concept is not only traditional mothering – caring for children – but also all of the other ways in which we express our role as caregivers, compassionate peace-workers, gatherers of others, guardians of plants and animals, and so on.

Send your blog to divine.feminine.wsf@gmail.com with a photo of yourself and a very short bio.

Together Let us Invoke the Power of Unconditional Love and Commitment from All the Mothers and Grandmothers Circling the Earth, To Awaken the Global Heart, by Lifting our Voices in a Chorus For Peace.

We WILL MOVE FORWARD to Influence Humanity for a More Caring, Just, Tolerant and Peaceful World. 

Let it be so. 

Written by many women of the world. 



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