Noticing the role of women in changing the world

Noticing the role of women in changing the world June 12, 2013

What I am noticing right now about the role of women in the world is that it is being taken seriously as the solution to the economic, ecological and social crises of today.   A new study released this September on violence against women conducted over four decades and in 70 countries reveals the mobilization of feminist movements is more important for change than the wealth of nations, left-wing political parties, or the number of women politicians.

The book Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn helped to bring the importance of the role of women to mainstream thinking.  Development monies now go to grassroots women where in the past they went to patriarchal structures that did not get down to the communities who lived the problems and knew the solutions. Women, especially grassroots women, are becoming involved in setting policies that put families, communities and the environment first.   Women’s empowerment is not just a buzz word it is the new thinking.

Laurie McCammon and I are co-writing a book called Enough: The Rise of the Feminine and the Birth of the New Story.  The role of women as being enough and having enough to change the world is the central theme throughout, and is substantiated through the telling of stories of women and girls from around the globe.  This book inspires women and girls to claim they are enough and to utilize their feminine power both locally and globally.  It inspires men to support the role of women on all levels of society.

Women and girls claiming their feminine power brings balance.  It transforms patriarchy into structures of grace that are inclusive and respect diversity,   empowering all to become co-creators of a new way of being on Earth that honors all life.  Extensive global research done by John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio in the Athena Doctrine tested the gender associations of 125 attributes among 64,000 men and women.  They found the business world is decisively moving toward feminine power. The feminine attributes of power found in their research are: collaboration, judgment, diversity, intuition, partnership, listening, inclusiveness, flexibility, selflessness and loyalty.  The role of women gives birth to a new story of peace and justice for all in ways we could not imagine ten years ago.

A new day is here where the role of women as knitters and weavers mends  divisions and brings meaningful connections.  Women story-tellers proclaim the good news and inspire others to know we are enough to make a difference.   Women as nurturers love people of all ages into becoming their best selves.  Women with their mother bear courage say enough is enough to all forms of oppression. Women as care-takers and entrepreneurs bring peace and sustainability to their families, communities and the planet.

Together we are enough to co-create a better world and it is happening now. And so it is.

Namaste!!!  Ann


Ann Smith is Co-Founder and Director of Circle Connections 


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