Longing for us to listen to Gaia and speak on Her behalf.

Longing for us to listen to Gaia and speak on Her behalf. July 29, 2013

What I am longing for now is for us humans to listen to Gaia and speak on Her behalf.   Please read what I believe Gaia is saying to us and if this resonates with you please start speaking on her behalf.  Our lives depend on it.

I am called many names and answer to all.  I can be heard in the wind, the babbling brook, the roar of the ocean, talking to sun, moon and stars, the sounds of the birds, bees and all creatures, in your heart beat and in the silence and the noise.  I am found in all matter and all matter matters.  I am called nature, Mother Earth, environment, eco-systems, Spirit, God and Goddess. I am the great Co- creator with the Universe.   

I am as close to you as your own breath.  It is imperative to your own health and the health of all humanity that you known me.  You can learn from indigenous peoples how to be in communion with all of my creation.  You can learn by being in circle and listening to one another.  You can learn by being in nature and listening. 

You do not need to save me, I am 4 billion + years old and ever evolving.  You need to save yourselves from human destruction.  The Universe has given everything needed within me for humans to live in abundance and peace.  You have been given the great gift of seeing me from afar and can tell in scientific and poetic words about me and the beauty of all creation. 

You are my hands and feet and my voice in the human languages.  You are needed to speak for me so others will listen. 

I long for all of us to speak for Gaia by listening to the land and all creation, to our intuition, women’s way of knowing, and then speaking out in strong feminine voices on Her/Our behalf.  We have been carefully taught to only listen to humans so at first it may feel foolish to listen to the land but our living with the reality of climate change makes it imperative.  We are part of nature, Her hands and feet and voice.

I am longing for all of our voices to be heard.



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