Living the divine feminine: A Prayer for Divine Mother

Living the divine feminine: A Prayer for Divine Mother March 28, 2014

For too long now, human beings have been living the crude story handed down to us through our Patriarchal Programming. As a result, we’ve forgotten the power and privilege of being Woman.

It’s time to wake up.

That crude story has discounted the Feminine in the Radiant Light which is all intelligence, all power, all beauty, all love. Truth is, without Divine Mother there is no Life!

What does it mean to wake up?

To fully embrace the beauty of our bodies from the inside out. To not measure ourselves by numbers. To accept and embrace the power of our sacred female vessel through which we have the privilege to live life on planet Earth.

To understand that everything we touch and everything we say has the power to become Holy Work when it’s infused with our Holy Effort for the Divine Feminine. When we are possessed by Her, we become living acts of transmission for loving energy.

To accept and act upon the fact that we are here on a Holy Mission as bringers of Love in service to All.

To open and receive the ever-expanding good that longs to be expressed through us in our creativity and in our relationships. We embody the power to change the world. Right here. Right now.

To know we are Woman is to know we our whole in our humanness. There’s nothing missing. We are enough. And more.

To appreciate we have the right and the response-ability to love ourselves fully and deeply so that we might share that love with others. It is not selfish. It is radical self-care. And essential to our w-holy-ness.

The world needs what we have to give. When we share the female vibration of our spirit, Truth has an opportunity to rise. But to do this we must get clear. We must be committed to our own individual spiritual connection to Life. And that means revealing and healing the Patriarchal Programs that exist in our own subconscious which is mostly unconscious. There’s work to be done. Work to wake up. Work to see the Truth. Vigilance is needed to birth awareness. With awareness we see what needs to change in our words, in our thoughts, in our actions. To deconstruct the Patriarchal Programs we are called to target the most powerful and most dangerous identity matrix in our collective female pain body — the Victim.

We are not victims. We are Divine love, beauty and power incarnate!

There is a dimension of our soul that has never been touched by the Patriarchal Programming. It is to this that we must return to break the hypnotic spell of being separate from Goddess-God, and to touch the radiant goodness of who we truly are as women in this world.

May we give up the tired, crude story.

May we transcend the emotional content of the Patriarchal Programming to connect with the vibrant Present where we can live from the harmony, order, beauty and abundance of our Holy Woman-ness.

We are never alone in this work. We are never without witness to our lives. There are leagues of unseen heaven-helpers lifting and leading and loving us through whatever is ours to be, to see, to do.

Our Holy Mission is to wake up to the wisdom of The Magdalene in me and The Magdalene in you!

Magdalen is a healer & storyteller. Her therapeutic talks and inspirited writings connect us to the wisdom of our own soul. Find her website here

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