December 19, 2011

Yvette Warren is a grandmother, the author of the blog One Family, Many Faiths and a newly ordained minister in the Universal Life Church. My mother died a year ago. Her eighty-fifth birthday would have been the twenty-third of this month. Her death freed me to finally find the sacred in my feminine self. I celebrate the freeing of the bonds of patriarchal religious fears and abuse from both of our souls. For me the divine feminine is the manifestation of... Read more

December 13, 2011

Laura Paskell-Brown is a writer, student and spiritual activist. She runs the women’s circle at Occupy Wall Street I thought I was only looking for money to fund my PhD, but as I typed “women, spirituality and scholarships” into Google, up popped the website for ‘Women of Spirit and Faith’. That Google search led me to a conference in San Francisco, and to a wave of change that has transformed much of my life. She was there. She blessed me... Read more

December 12, 2011

Lynda Terry is a meditation teacher, spiritual activist and the author of The 11 Intentions: Invoking the Sacred Feminine as a Pathway to Inner Peace For weeks now, as the days have grown cooler and shorter, as the brilliance of fall foliage has slowly dulled and dropped, leaf by leaf, to earth’s surface, I have felt Her drawing closer. She pulls me inward, into my self, into Her, through a longing for silence … darkness … sleep … the swaddled... Read more

December 6, 2011

If you would like to contribute to this blog you are very welcome. This month we are asking the question: “How has the Divine Feminine blessed you this year?” Please send your pictures, videos, links, and words (no more than 700 please) to: by December 16th and we will gladly post them here.   Read more

December 6, 2011

“Women, Spirituality, and Transformative Leadership: Where Grace Meets Power, the new book edited by Kathe Schaaf, Kay Lindahl, Kathleen Hurty, and Reverend Guo Chin, is brimming with essays and poems about our other selves, by our other selves. Conceived, in part, as a vehicle to help women awaken to the Divine Feminine, the book also beckons readers to discover how inherently brave and capable and beautiful we all are…” Click here for the full text of Margaret’s review of our... Read more

November 30, 2011

Luciana Cousin is a freelance consultant specialising in women-owned businesses. She also writes short stories, poetry, and articles based on women’s issues and gender equality. Fleeting thoughts, a need for more, Ever present, and yet out of reach. After all, I have achieved….my life is complete. My family, my boys, and a life. But then the whisper faintly stirs a passion that lies deep within my soul And while my voice is silent, my thoughts are loud. Conflicting thoughts, is... Read more

November 28, 2011

Susan Baller-Shepard is a mom, writer, speaker and minister. When not cooking for tweens & teenagers, she’s editing, a blog of 155 interviews and writing her own blog “Transient” here at Patheos. Click here for Susan’s blog: “God without containers”. Read more

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