Books & Broomsticks: A List of Favorite Podcasts and Books

Books & Broomsticks: A List of Favorite Podcasts and Books December 16, 2024

I figured I should write a post since it’s been a couple of months. There was about a month of time in which I had burned out quite a bit in terms of my spiritual practices. I was feeling overwhelmed in all areas of life, though: parenthood, spirituality, relationships, and my career. I’m definitely one of those people that enjoys having a full plate but can overwhelm myself if I forget to take breaks every now and again. So, here’s a short post of random things and thoughts.

Random Thing 1: My Favorite Podcasts

I used to have a really long commute to my last job – an hour and a half each way. I’d listen to a lot of podcasts and music. And though I work from home now, I still listen to podcasts since I enjoy multitasking while working. Here are a few of my favorite witchy and pagan podcasts in no particular order:

  • Circle Talk (geared toward those seeking to understand British Traditional Wicca)
  • Glitch Bottle Podcast (explores deep topics in occultism)
  • Magic in the United States (explores the history and modern practices of various occult/traditional/witchy/folk practices in the U.S.)
  • New World Witchery (explores United States-based Craft practices – these hosts also run another podcast called Myth-taken, which does a deep-dive of every Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode — another person favorite!)
  • Styx and Bones (great for learning about Hellenism and Greek mythology)
  • What Magic Is This? (explores various occult and new age practices)
  • WitchLit Podcast (explores various books and literature related to witchcraft and paganism, and also does author interviews)

Read on for a list of books that I’ve read!

Image via Pixabay.

Random Thing 2: What I’m Currently Reading

Here’s a list of books that I’m currently reading and have recently read. Again, in no certain order and not always pertaining to witchy things:

Currently Reading:

  • People of the Fire (North America’s Forgotten Past, #2) by W. Michael Gear
    • I enjoy historical fiction, including pre-recorded historical fiction! The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel is one of my all-time favorite books.
  • The Vivaldi Cipher (Vatican Secret Archive, #1) by Gary McAvoy
    • Something akin to The Da Vinci Code.
  • Hekate: Her Sacred Fires by Sorita d’Este, et al
    • A lovely collection of essays, poetry, and rituals dedicated to Hekate and Her many epithets.

Recently Read:

  • The Complete Art of Witchcraft by Sybil Leek
    • A longer post will one day be written on this book, I promise! For now, what I can say is that it’s a lovely introduction to the beliefs and practices that Sybil Leek taught her own students. These same beliefs are still cherished and held today by Sybil’s “downline” via the Horsa and Sacred Pentagraph traditions (of which I am now part).
  • Dark Witch (The Cousins O’Dwyer Trilogy, #1) by Nora Roberts
    • Honestly, I didn’t like this book and won’t be continuing the series. It started off okay and took a serious nosedive after the main character started banging her love interest. The “relationship” between those two was about as hot as Antartica.
  • The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, #2) by Robert Jordan
    • I read the first book in this series (The Eye of the World) earlier in the year. The second book outpaced the first very easily. These books are long as hell, so I pepper shorter, less serious books in between them.
  • Lost Gods by Brom
    • Want to read a horror western kind of like Dante’s Inferno? This is for you. A fantastic and wild read.
  • Shady Hollow (A Shady Hollow Mystery Book 1) by Juneau Black
    • A “meh” cozy mystery book. I had never read a cozy mystery before and this was my first step. I thought I’d enjoy it because it has anthropomorphized animals in it but it was great. The “mystery” was utterly predictable.
  • Slewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery by Brom
    • Want a tale that’s kind of like The Crucible but includes incredible revenge? This is the book for you.
  • Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park #1) by Michael Crichton
    • Classic science fiction and a pretty quick read. I plan to read the other books in the series at a later date.
  • The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
    • This was one of those that was “good” but not “great.” It’s the history of how President Snow became the evil f-wad that be later became.

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