A Prayer for the day after the Tucson Tragedy

A Prayer for the day after the Tucson Tragedy January 10, 2011

Progressive, church, prayer, Tucson, tradgedy

Good and gracious God,

Allow the tragedy in Tucson yesterday
to open our eyes to the tragedy
around the world everyday.
Help us be made aware
in a way that does not lessen the severity
of yesterday’s tragic events,
but rather, in a way that
amplifies the tragedy found in
the loss of human life for any reason.

We pray now for Christina
the 9 year old girl
who lost her life in the cross-fire of hate.
We pray for Judge Roll
who was no stranger to death threats.
We pray for the congressional aid
who was killed for simply doing their job.
We ask that as you have received them
into your fold,
you would extend your arms to their families.
Even as we ask this,
we recognize that you already have
and we give you thanks.

We pray for Congresswoman Giffords,
who seems to have been to
the focus of the attack.
We give thanks for the skilled hands
which rushed to her aid,
for her remarkable survival
and for your hand in it all.

In some way, may this event,
her survival and her life,
become a constant beacon to us,
calling us away from
the rocky shorelines of hatred
and out into the deep blue waters
of our baptisms.

We also pray for the shooter
and anyone who may have help propagate this violence,
we pray for them and for others like them,
may the internal struggles they experience
which lead to such violent acts
be lessened.

May they know and experience your love
so deeply and profoundly
they they begin a journey toward you
and away from the hostility, anger and violence
that they are experiencing.

May we all stand united,
in one voice,
against hatred and
against violence.

Loving God,
teach us to stand up
even to language that inspires hatred.
Teach us to defend your name
and each other
as we proclaim your
hate and violence free ways
in the pursuit of the world
you desire for us…
heaven on Earth.


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