Sunday Morning Prayer — 10/19/2014

Sunday Morning Prayer — 10/19/2014 October 19, 2014

morning prayer

(A Prayer of Confession)

Good and gracious God,

We confess,
as we attempt to follow
the teaching of Jesus
which encouraged us
to love all people,
that our lives are not as welcoming as they should be.

We confess
that we do wish to love everyone and we do try to love everyone
but it’s just a whole lot easier
to love some people
compared to others.

We confess
that the people that tend to be
easier to love
also tend to be people
who look a whole lot like us.

All giving, all inclusive, all loving God,
open our hearts
that we may see all people
as reflections of You their Creator.
In that, help us see that ALL people
look a whole lot like us.

Open us up to that kind of inclusivity.
Teach us to love with hearts wide open.
Inspire us to live lives that include everyone…

Grow us to be a people who exclude,
no one for no reason.
Not for the color of their skin,
their sex or sexuality,
the money in their bank account,
the job they hold,
the religion they follow,
or the country in which they were born.

Teach us to always model your all inclusive love,
that is so wide open that it forgives us,
even when we don’t include others.



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