Romancing the Unknown – Part II

Romancing the Unknown – Part II July 21, 2016

Romancing the Unknown

We love to be in relationships where we can trust the other person. We know when we come home, they will be there; if we put ourselves on a ledge, we can rest assured we will fall into our beloved’s unwavering embrace. But what if I were to tell you that the greatest love of your life, the one who would bring out the absolute best in you, the one who has the ability to make you forget about falling and only made you feel like you could soar, possessed the ability to crush you worse than you have ever experienced before? Would you turn away to experience the exhale of safety or would you take the chance and dive head first into the adventure of being alive?

Do not mistake this for relationship advice in the conventional sense, this is romantic advice for your life’s work. This is about becoming insanely passionate the desire deep inside you to impact the world around you. How many times have you heard that there is only one you; you are the only one equipped to do the things you can in the way that you can? Probably enough that the novelty of being an individual has begun to wear thin. I beg you to revisit this biological fact: in the 7 billion people on earth today and out of the billions that have come and gone, there is no one like you with your unique talents, experiences and view of the world.

What to do with this? If I could wish one thing for you, it would be for the ability to settle into your skin and listen. God has put a passion in you, and you need only to ask Him to bring it out of hiding. Once you and your passion are formally introduced, you must make the first move to become more than just friends. The only problem is, there is another that is trying to steal your heart away. There is one who is jealous and controlling and most certainly does not want to share your affection with anyone but her. She goes by the name of Fear. She will do anything in her power to keep you from falling in love with your passion, because when you do… you will leave her behind. Passion will require you to do more than just step into the unknown, it will cause you to learn to romance her.

If you devote yourself to living out the mission God has uniquely given you, you will have nowhere else to turn but to become madly and deeply enthralled with her. While at the same time being equally at peace with the inability to know what will happen if it does not work out.

This is terrifying! This will cause you to lose control. This will bring you into the freedom because truthfully, the control was never yours to have anyway. This is Genesis 3 all over again.

So practically what does this mean? (Because what good is all of this fantastical imagery without the ability to apply it as soon as you finish reading this blog, right?) Well, I’m glad you asked. We must first determine that Jesus is the Lord of our life. When we do this, we surrender the right to knowing the plans He has for us and we give way to faith. We relinquish the certainty of retirement at 60, maybe our 401K and who knows what else must be put down in order to pick up our crosses? You see, as Jesus parable teaches us, we cannot simultaneously trust God with the gifts he has given us and bury them into the soil.

Faith and trust is what it boils down to. People don’t follow the rabbit because their faith and trust ends up being pointed at something other than Jesus.

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