April 30, 2023

There are an estimated 4,200 religions on our planet, so don’t feel too guilty if you’ve missed one or two during your studies. Truthfully, even the most well-versed religious fanatics would struggle to keep their scorecards up-to-date. It would require a weighty encyclopedia just to squeeze in each faith’s name, let alone detail the vast differences that justify their separate existence. But whether you’re seeking a unique avenue to achieve enlightenment or you’re simply fascinated by the obscurity of human spirituality,... Read more

April 26, 2023

Sikhism is the ideal example of a medium-sized religion. If you don’t know anything about the faith, there is still a chance you’ve crossed paths with a Sikh worshipper before. Conversely, even if you’ve heard of Sikhism, you may not fully grasp the details of what they preach. This article is by no means a comprehensive piece documenting this gorgeous theology. Instead, here are five fast Sikh facts to whet your appetite, demonstrating how Sikhism is one of the most... Read more

April 18, 2023

In February 2023, at the Dalai Lama’s Dharamsala temple in India, 100 students watched the spiritual leader kiss a young boy on the lips. Following this already questionable act, he requested the child suck his tongue. Thankfully, the suggestion ended there, and nobody sucked anyone’s tongue; otherwise, that would have mutated into an even more appalling story. Regardless, this exchange was captured on film and seized global attention in April. Understandably, the repercussions have been snappy and loud. Accusations of... Read more

April 17, 2023

Sorry to be the messenger of negative news, but one day, you will die. This inescapable truth of existence has captivated our imaginations since the dawn of the written word and has worked wonders for religious establishments. Indeed, the promise of an afterlife reward is paramount to many teachings, dangled as a threat to herd the masses towards moral decisions while obeying obscure practices. It’s an impressive technique when considering the vast lack of proof. Let’s skim over our options... Read more

April 10, 2023

Religious tourism inspires adventurers for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps you wish to fulfil a pilgrimage meaningful to your faith. You may be a fan of sightseeing and desire selfies with recognisable landmarks. Or you’re like me and travel to amplify your spirituality until your soul explodes and you merge with the metaphysical Universe. Whatever your motivation, the list of historical stops would take books to complete, but here are ten ideas to get your feet moving. 1. St. Peter’s... Read more

April 9, 2023

There are several faiths lumped beneath the “Abrahamic” umbrella, but three religions ascend far above the others: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, despite their shared roots, there are key differences in how the Mighty Trinity honour their separate beliefs.  One rich example is their annual celebrations, such as Passover, Easter, and Ramadan. Interestingly, once every 30 years or so, these holidays occur simultaneously. 2023 is one of those occasions. But how is this possible? Why are they not on the... Read more

April 8, 2023

Gods for love! Gods for war! Gods for fertility! Gods for the weather! Gods, gods, gods! Our ancient civilizations had no shortage of deities to call upon when life got tough. No matter the ailment, they knew who to call for that extra metaphysical push to get them through the day. However, not all gods were created equal. There are many embarrassing spirits and demons who quite didn’t land on the front pages of the history books. Here are ten... Read more

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