The Beauty of Lake Chelan

The Beauty of Lake Chelan July 24, 2023

One of my favorite escapes in Washington is Lake Chelan, which is fed by glaciers in the Cascade Mountains and extends out of the range at its base. I am blessed that our cousin lives in Manson with an unobstructed view of the lake. She and my husband grew up on the same street and were partners years ago in their dance classes.

Lake Chelan differs from many lakes because it is long and narrow: 50.5 miles northwest of the city of Chelan. It is the third deepest lake in the US after Crater Lake in Oregon and Lake Tahoe in California. At its deepest point, it is 1529 ft., about 430 ft below sea level.

When I first moved to Washington from the Washington, DC area, I had never seen the type of landscape that surrounds the Columbia River and Lake Chelan. The hills seemed stark, barren, and lifeless. In the summer, the hills are brown and loom above the bodies of water with rocky outcrops and cliffs. I have come to appreciate the stark beauty of the area as well as the contrasts between the land and the lake or river. As a result, I find it beautiful and peaceful, a gift from God.

Variations in Lake Chelan Beauty

I took photos of the lake from our cousin’s deck at different times of the day because the lake, hills, and sky can look dramatically different depending on the time of day and the type of day it is.  Taking pictures (with my iPhone, nothing sophisticated) helps me pay greater attention to my surroundings. The images show the lake in mid-July 2023.

I took the first photo at 6:00 AM. The early light touches the hills surrounding the water.

Lake Chelan, Manson, WA after dawn
I took this photo at about 6 AM. The sunlight looks thin and almost fragile. Photo by Christine Navarro

I shot this photo at 5:15 PM as the clouds were light and wispy.

Photo of Lake Chelan, Manson, WA
Lake Chelan a few minutes after 5:00 PM. Photo by Christine Navarro

This photo of the lake reflects one of its looks at 9:00 PM.

Lake Chelan, Manson, WA at 9:00 PM.
The surrounding hills cast shadows on Lake Chelan. Photo by Christine Navarro

I took this photo a little after nine on a different day. The pink and orange clouds are lovely and the lake has a pink tinge that reflects the sky. There is a significant contrast between these last two images though they were taken at the same time, a day apart.

Lake Chelan, Manson, Washington 9 PM with pink orange clouds and their reflection on the lake.
Lake Chelan shows off by mirroring the puffy pink-orange clouds in the sunset. Photo by Christine Navarro

Lake Chelan Fire Danger

This area is prone to fires as the land, trees, and grass are very dry during the summer. I have been at the lake during very smoky periods and it makes it difficult to see from one side of the lake to the other. The residents and visitors were lucky this year so far: the weather has been clear and beautiful. One year, the area across the lake from our cousin’s home was on fire and sparks traveled a fair distance to threaten people and property on both sides. The results of the fire are still visible, some areas having new growth while others still show the damage years later.


Lake Chelan: A Sign of God’s Love

You have likely heard the saying, “God created beer to show us he loves us.” I think that God created Lake Chelan and other beautiful places to show us his love. God stares me right in the face through creation in this area of the world. Even though I enjoy swimming and have had fun boating on prior visits, my favorite activity is gazing out at the lake while having the conversations that everyday schedules usually do not permit.

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