
The Living Room Disciple aims to bring the toughest conversations of Christian discipleship into the simple terms of living room conversation. The columns are primarily authored by Phillip Snyder who, maybe like you, is on the wonderful (and sometimes terrifying) journey of following Jesus. Through marriage and parenting, teaching and pastoring, failing and repenting, Phillip is in a rhythm of dying to self and being made anew in the image of Christ. His written work is an authentic and vulnerable peek into that rhythm, and he invites you to join him.

For more information on The Living Room Disciple Media, and to check out our Podcast, go to livingroomdisciple.com

Outside of writing, Phillip is both a home church pastor in Central Florida and a Training & Development Consultant at Medi-Share, a Healthcare Sharing Ministry that aims to provide affordable, reliable, health care for Christians within the United States. If you want to know more about the Medi-Share programs and how they may be able to provide affordable health care for you or your family, check them out here.

Phil’s work has also been published on the Medi-Share Blog and The Christian Post.