Two Book Ideas To Give As RCIA Gifts

Two Book Ideas To Give As RCIA Gifts March 16, 2021

We are full on into Lent and Easter is around the corner.  Our brothers and sisters in RCIA will soon be received into the Catholic church.  It is a momentous occasion and should be celebrated.  We often do so by having a get together or by giving gifts.  We often give Bibles, rosaries, and crucifixes just to name a few.  Below are two great books that will also make great gifts for those in RCIA.

RCIA Recommendation #1:  The Beauty Of The Mass

One of the things I had trouble with during my journey to the Catholic Church was what went on at Mass.  I can’t begin to tell you how frustrated I would get as everyone sat and kneeled while I was left wondering what was going on.

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As I started to understand the theology behind the Mass, I started to see a whole other issue entirely.  I started to notice how some who have been immersed their whole lives have no idea about the beauty and majesty that they are partaking in.

In his book The Beauty of the Mass:  Exploring the Central Act of Worship author Charles S. Johnston takes an in depth look at the Mass.  The book is brilliantly laid out and describes exactly what is happening with every aspect of Mass.  From the initial sign of the cross, to the final blessing, and everything in between the author lays out the reasons why we do what we do.

Even more importantly, at least to me, is that the Biblical basis is given for it.  There is so much scripture in the Mass!  As if having all the scriptural backup wasn’t enough, the author strengthens his research using church documents and writing from the early church fathers.

It is solid and is good for those who are coming into the church because it gives a great explanation of the Mass.  It is also good of those of us who have been around and I’m sure you will discover something that you didn’t know.  The book is well written and is written in a style that everyone will be able to understand it.  Check it out!

Please visit the author’s website at to learn more about his work.

You purchase the book here.

#2 I’m Catholic Now What?

I went through the RCIA program a couple times and it served to answer my basic questions.  However, I was lost for the most part because there were still many other questions I had and I wasn’t sure where to get involved.

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Shaun McAfee, the founder of, recently released a fantastic book titled I’m Catholic, Now What?  This book is relatable for any convert who has ever come into the church.  It serves to answer those extra questions, and gives direction on where to go as far as resources go.

This book gives guidance on accepted translations of the scriptures, tips on how to read the catechism, brief explanations on apologetics issues, and explains the little things we do with in the church (such as genuflecting).

This book is a great refresher for those of us who have been in the church for a while, those who may be considering entering the church, or for those who want to understand what Catholicism is.

Shaun has went above and beyond with this work, and the results are simply phenomenal.  Do yourself a favor an check this book out if you get the opportunity.  The chapters are short, to the point, but are packed with great information.  The ultimate reference book on catholic practice for converts is here.

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