It’s time for a change
Yes. That’s right!. Upend Christmas! Technically our end-of-the-year celebration hasn’t always been a holy night. Christmas, historically, was a pagan holiday. The tree symbolized rebirth, light, and like the cross of Christ, everlasting life. Santa has been said to be a condensed name for Satan, and his jolly red suit represents service. Yet, the moment it became Christ centered Believers across-the-globe wrested the holiday from the hands of the wicked. And why not? Satanists have distorted, and oftentimes, defiled our Christian orders, like prayer, the Holy Bible, not to mention the laws of the spirit realm. As we continue this tradition of upending Christmas, we must annihilate any satanic rhetoric associated with the celebration in order to embolden our stand as Believers.
How do we upend Christmas? We spread the word of Jesus’ birth, and the reason why He was born… to die. Die for our sins as the ultimate sacrifice that can never be reproduced through burnt offerings or any form of sacrificial giving. The gifts we offer one another should be in reverence to our love for Christ. We shouldn’t be going broke, or not giving in love by finding any old thing to re-wrap. Whether a gift is handmade, store bought, or unconventional (as in it is not a traditional handheld gift), it must be heart-felt and offered with godly intent We must give as if we are the receiver. As recipients, we must humbly receive in the same way. We shouldn’t be obnoxiously anticipating a “pay off” of some sort. Just opening our hearts to receive the love someone has prepared for us is enough.
Deck the halls!
As December 25th, 2024 approaches, let us prepare our hearts to receive God’s love in the form of His son. Instead of setting out commercialized designs, let’s commemorate the birth of Christ. May our trees symbolize the cross in which Yeshua once hang, and may our houses usher in the spirit of The Holy Ghost. Perhaps, feeding the homeless is an option. Maybe, Christian carols can be sung. Let us lift up the name of Jesus, one and all.