How do I tell my friend their mom’s a witch? I don’t. Plain and simple. It is my belief people whose parents double as occult agents often suspect they’ve inherited evil guardians, yet remain incredulous to being the target of witchcraft activity from their own godhead. Even if I do spill the beans, I’m concerned with the elongated period of denial they’ll undergo. If not shown by God Himself, sometimes a friend pointing out the fact, may send them into a downward spiral requiring additional recovery time.
How to tell if your mom’s a witch…
Here are some common sentiments adult children express when having a witch or warlock for a parent.
- Feeling like the black sheep of the family, often ill treated in comparison to siblings without reason
- Attempts have been made to derail the child’s divine destiny using supernatural resources.
- In some cases, the parent(s) swap their children’s destinies at birth or early ages… favoring the first born who was not chosen by God.
- Attempt to terminate their child’s life (post-delivery). this could last well into a child’s adult life.
- Ruin their child’s marriage, or keep their child from marrying or baring their own children through witchcraft.
- Attempt to kill their own grandchild.
Personal experience of a mother witch
How do I know? I witnessed it first hand from my Jamaican grandmother. My mom was the eldest of two siblings. Her father white. Her sister’s father full Jamaican. My mom was ostracized for being unapologetically light skinned due to her father’s Irish complexion. She achieved more than my G-ma by becoming a professional secretary, skilled in dictation and shorthand, and a gifted artist. Anyway, following my g-ma’s visits in The Bronx New York, my mom would have my siblings and I wash our faces, hands, etc. She barely wanted us to hug our grandmother.
Now, I know why. My g-ma targeted her own daughter with witchcraft possibly from birth. She attacked her finances, relationships and physicality. I could go into depth, but won’t. Just know my mother suffered terribly from deep seeded envy and hate. My g-ma was raped, then forced to give birth to my mom. Not sure if my g-ma recovered from that.
How do I share prophetic revelation out of season?
Back to my friend… who actually represents a number of my friends. Collectively, they have shared numerous traumatizing acts by their maternal parent. They’ve experienced everything from unwarranted eviction as a teen, word curses, to intentionally having their credit ruined. Unfortunately, their love for their mother unwittingly covers their own mother’s sins. Hence, their purity nullifies these heinous behaviors. Additionally, when the initial attacks go ignored more are to follow further ushering in greater attacks. Some children (of any age) lose their lives from these types of attacks. Fortunately, when God has His hand on a person’s life (whether born-again or not), untimely death by witchcraft activity is impossible. Witches will, then, introduce misery in the lives of their victims in hopes of inciting suicide. At this point, the person requires total deliverance and freedom from these satanic attacks.
These attacks can range from village attacks against the child’s intermediate family, evil loads placed onto the child by the mom to derail the child’s progress, as well as keeping a child entangled in illness out of selfishness. While the attacks don’t end here, evil practitioners are awarded for their victorious assignments and if they failed are punished severely in the supernatural realm. This is why they are relentless in their attacks. many Christians remain oblivious to the source of these attacks as they attempt to legitimize them utilizing logical answers rather than inserting divine spiritual discernment into the equation.
As a pragmatic person, what does one do? How do I please God and help a friend? In recent years, I’ve learned to keep my prophetic business to myself. It’s hard enough keeping my own concerns in order without having to fight others’ storms. It’s heart wrenching, because I can see their struggles. I know if I reveal the truth, I may lose a friend… not a friendship. I’m more concerned about their demise losing as they’re ill-equip to overthrow their mom in the spirit realm. Releasing the word without God’s approval can yield just that. Perhaps, A time will come when God permits me to speak.
Exposing witches in three-dimension
Contention rests with witchery playing a role within make-believe. Many who acknowledge witchcraft’s validity often refer to caricatures designed by Hollywood. However, in three-dimension, occultists don’t always present themselves as contemptuous green faced creatures curated in black. Depending what stage a victim is in can determine how he/she is treated by a contemporary witch. To envelope the victim into a web of deception, the antagonist befriends their victim, by showering them with false love, money, shelter and whatever is required to reel that person in. This is where divine discernment is key. Knowledge of non-allies softens the rescinding of a unhealthy relationship.
However, having a witch as a relative is not as cut and dry. Due to lineage, the keenest intuition is yet questioned. Years of abuse and/or sibling rivalry suddenly gives rise to excuses and/or self-deflation. In turn, the ill-mannered behavior becomes acceptable, free to reinstate itself cyclically. In some situations, one will compartmentalize or disassociate, unconsciously making room for dark manipulation.
This is when a witch presents as friendly. The victim sees the evil practitioner as non-threatening as this unknown enemy gains the victim’s trust. So when things go awry, the family-member-in-question doesn’t become a suspect. Instead, these friendlies auspiciously monitor the effects of their wizardry on their alleged loved ones. Since society suggests we find fault in mistrust, it makes believing a parent capable of heinous plots, such as death, evil spells and wicked projections onto their children highly unfathomable. Welcome to 2025, the last days.
End times and witchery
The Holy Bible warns us in the end times that parents will harm their children. As we approach the rapture, tribulation and eternity, it’s becoming easier to believe family members attacking the other. As with churches, witches are strategically chosen to target God’s elect and to dismantle the family unit. If you, or a loved one, is suffering from a wicked family member, seek a full deliverance ministry that doesn’t charge you to pray. God’s speed.