Disappointment Packs a Nasty Punch

Disappointment Packs a Nasty Punch August 29, 2023

Drawing of girl. The word Disappointment coming from her mouth.
Disappointment Packs a Nasty Punch. Pixabay.com

I have always had a passion for writing. So, when I retired from decades of human resource work, I decided to pursue my passion. God and I meet daily, and the most amazing writing happens when I allow Him to use me as His instrument. My hands peck away at the keyboard as if they have a mind of their own.  My heart races. My mind buzzes. And when the piece comes to completion, I’m delighted with the result.

Uncertainty is Replaced by Trust

It’s my desire to help others see that sometimes in our circumstances it’s easy to invite Doubt and Fear for coffee and sit with Uncertainty way too long. But if we are willing to put in the work and keep our eyes on God through the hard times, I know He will shoo away Doubt and Fear and replace Uncertainty with Trust. He does it for me often. Yes. I still tend to invite Doubt and Fear to coffee, because my flesh and my spirit are at constant war.

Putting in the work is hard. It takes inviting Commitment and Perseverance to the computer for a brainstorming session. Together, we create a schedule fit for success.  A schedule where my flesh and spirit have no time to war.

Coffee with Jesus

My daily routine consists of having coffee with Jesus. Together we read God’s word as I vigorously jot down notes. He guides me through Proverbs and He holds me in Psalms. I sometimes jump from the Old Testament to the New Testament, but wherever we land is always an eye-opening experience. Since I’m meeting with the Living Word, Jesus, God’s Word becomes alive to me. In me. And through me.

I have collected over the years, stories from other believers who have experienced God in mighty ways. It’s no wonder why I chose to write them down.  They are inspiring and give hope to a nation in desperate need. As I cleaned them up and compiled a collection of inspirational short stories inspired by a God of details, I realized this would make a great book and began a new project.

I sent the completed version to a few trusted friends and received nothing back but praise. I realized how important it is to share our “God Moments” with each other for encouragement and inspiration and decided to send it to a publisher for review.

Book Deal??

I was delighted when I received a call from the agent with a raving review of my book. She could not say enough good things about it. She informed me the publisher wanted to offer me a book deal. I couldn’t believe it! I was only looking for a review but received a book deal! What!? When the call disconnected, I did a happy dance around my workstation and called my friends and family to celebrate.

Imagine my surprise when the contract was delivered by Disappointment himself. I was sucker punched right in the gut. I was not handed a golden ticket for traditional publishing but rather given options for me to buy their services. Wow. I didn’t see that coming. What a letdown. Disappointment laughed out loud.

I gave myself a few days to mourn my loss. I allowed Disappointment to stay longer than I should have.  After feeling sorry for myself I met with Humility. We came up with a new game plan.

God’s Word is Never Returned Void

If that publisher liked my work maybe others would too. I kicked Disappointment out and made a new list of publishers for submission. This time I’ll wait for God’s direction. Maybe He and I will independently publish!

Coming soon, Details Matter, A collection of inspirational short stories.


About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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