You’re Forgiven

You’re Forgiven September 28, 2023

Sea Shore with overcast sky
Standing at life’s sea shore when a wave crashes in. Faith Richardson/Photographer

It’s another one of those times…I know them well. When I’m standing firm on The Rock at life’s seashore of lessons learned, in comes a wave so enormous that Bitterness and Frustration grab a hold of me attempting to un-plant my feet.

Oh, it rocks me from side to side, but I remain standing. Just about the time I steady myself, here comes another one. This time Anger and Deceit lash out at me. I squat down gaining some grip trying to make sense of it all, but there’s no time because in the distance I can see the swirl of overwhelming hurricane chaos arise from the deep, dark blue. It’s headed straight for me.

Focused on the chaos, Fear grabs me by the throat and squeezes. I struggle to find a foothold, some kind of anchor knowing the hurricane is fast approaching and I have nothing…nothing.

If You’re Experiencing Fear, Panic is not far Behind

Panic tries to consume me but somewhere deep inside I remember that small voice…trust me. And I pray because it’s simply all I have left. I pray. But these aren’t just words thrown out to the wind this is PRAYER. These are words spoken with power. This is God’s release to reveal Himself. Because He is such a gentleman, He waits for my permission to interfere! Fear’s let’s go.

Peace Waits Patiently

I glance out into the storm and the hurricane of Hate, Disgust, and Betrayal is so close I feel its breath on my skin. In one last attempt to remain firmly on The Rock I cry out, “I TRUST YOU, LORD!” and lock eyes with Peace who wraps His arms around me. My racing heart quiets, and I breathe in the sweet fragrance of Jesus who, by the way, had never left my side.

The stillness is a welcoming treasure. We must be in the eye of the storm. Panic tries to invade my thoughts. Oh no! I took my eyes off Peace. I reach up and place my hands on either side of His face and bring my forehead to His. I close my eyes. I get lost in the rhythm of His breath.

Guilt, Shame, and  Disappointment Don’t Need to Stay

The storm passes right over us, and I am unharmed. I realize how foolish I was for allowing fear to redirect my focus. I stand there like a drowned rat, water dripping off my nose. I know it was only by God’s grace that I survived that level-five Hurricane of lies. Betrayal and Hate are so vile.

I see Guilt, Shame, and Disappointment lay out a blanket for me in which to dry off. As I stand there contemplating if I should lie down and wrap up in it, Humility encourages me to look up.

When I do, I see the SON shining. That’s when I stretch my arms out wide, lift my face to His, and let His breath dry me off as he says, ” You’re forgiven.”

Ssshhhh, listen. Do you hear Him?


**Don’t let Guilt, Shame and Disappointment stay. Comment below and tell me how you got them to leave!

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It’s her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
"It seems Jesus went off the “acceptable” path when he visited Samaria. And then he ..."

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"Well said, Faith! ❤️"

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"Don’t let Guilt, Shame, and Disappointment stay. Tell me how you got them to leave!"

You’re Forgiven

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