Ambassador of Joy

Ambassador of Joy December 28, 2023

Yellow Wildflower Gift Shop Sign.
Ambassador of Joy. Faith Richardson/Photographer

Remembering my time spent as the Ambassador of Joy for the Wildflower in Pagosa Springs, Colorado 15 years ago is one of my favorite memories. It is a job I will never forget. I was allowed creative freedom and I blossomed. Pun intended, LOL! It was a special business where God showed up, His sweet fragrance was the air we breathed, and everyone, from employees to customers, was blessed beyond imagination.

Creative at Heart

If you’re a creative like me, imagine waking up, dropping your kids off at school, and arriving at “work.” You slip your apron over your head, secure a knot around your waist, and flip over the “open” sign on the front door as you unlock it. Then, as the morning turns to afternoon, all you’ve done all day is play! Seriously!

I made silk and fresh flower arrangements. Rearranged merchandise creating enticing displays. Crafted video advertisements for Facebook. Built a website.  Created welcome baskets and helped construct birthday, anniversary, and baby shower gifts. I even got to add my own crafts of crocheted hats and greeting cards to the inventory! I loved my job. Admired the people I worked with. Enjoyed the customers. I adored my Boss! It was a creative’s dream job.

Look for the Next Good thing

But all good things must come to an end, right? Wrong. Even though the Wildflower closed, does not mean all good things ended. I collected 20 stories from customers who also experienced the sweet fragrance of Christ, and now get to share them with the world.

We live in a fallen world and with that comes loss and separation. A hard lesson to grasp at times but an important one to remember because there is always something we can hold on to and remember God’s goodness.

If I keep my eyes on Jesus and step forward into the next adventure that He leads me, I know there will be more good things to come because I’m serving a good God. “Good and upright is the Lord” (Psalm 25:8). If we ask Him, He will give us good things. “How much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him?” (Matthew 7:11). “Every good and perfect gift comes from God” (James 1:17). And God will not pass away for He is eternal. “The high and lofty One who inhabits eternity”  (Isaiah 57:15).

Looking Ahead

15 years later, I spend my days pecking away at a computer keyboard pouring out God’s words in a poetry love language. I share all that I know and love of my Jesus hoping the world will see and hear how amazing He is and encourage every nation to seek a relationship with Him!

In essence, I’m still an Ambassador of Joy, just not for a cute little southern Colorado flower shop, but for my Jesus and I can’t think of a better more satisfying job to have.

*All Scripture is taken from ESV Translation.

**Comment below and share a moment when you got to be God’s Ambassador of Joy.

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.

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