July 16, 2023

I do know what it is like to be spiritually thirsty. I also know what it feels like to thirst for knowledge. Read more

July 9, 2023

Because of our submission to Jesus as the Lord of our lives, we also share in His righteous intolerance of sin. Read more

July 8, 2023

Is the Christian church intolerant? And if so, is that really such a dreadful thing? Read more

July 2, 2023

So, what causes these roadblocks to unity in the Church that we spoke of in Part 1? Read more

June 29, 2023

Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. Read more

June 23, 2023

“A lot of the challenges we face today as singles center around the confusion of intentionality. The standards of our culture leave us believing it is okay to date with selfish intent—to date without purpose, with no plan, without deliberate acknowledgement and respect for the other person’s feelings, heart, and emotions.”  Brandy Coty–Single Matters   The word that stands out to me the most in the quote above is ‟purpose.” I expect that word stood out to a lot of... Read more

June 17, 2023

It occurred to me that my problem with this issue is that I have been looking at it as an either/or scenario, when really, it is a both/and scenario. Read more

June 9, 2023

If God is both omniscient and omnipotent, do we really have free will, or are our lives determined by fate? To answer this question, we need to... Read more

May 31, 2023

It was apparent that she meant no offense. Nevertheless, I remember clearly that the first thought that went through my mind was, “Saved? From what?” Read more

May 24, 2023

Many people perceive celebrities as being anti-Christian. However, men and women of faith are all over show business. Read more

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