The Lord’s Prayer as a Guide for a Spiritual Spring Cleaning

The Lord’s Prayer as a Guide for a Spiritual Spring Cleaning March 18, 2024

Cleaning supplies
Spiritual Spring Cleaning Image by MissKarin from Pixabay

Is it time for a spiritual spring cleaning? The daylight is starting to last longer and the days are warmer. You may have already opened up your doors and windows where you live to let old winter air out into the spring. Spring cleaning ushers in the season of sunshine and new life.  We do that with our homes, but spiritually we can also do that with our hearts. I will be using the Lord’s prayer as one way to guide us in a spiritual spring cleaning.

The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13

New Living Translation

Pray like this:

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need,
and forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one.

Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

Question: Have I allowed anything, person, desire, or idea to take God’s place on the throne of my heart?

Holy has many implications for spiritual spring cleaning. Holy means separate, different, other, and unique.  In the Old Testament, holy often meant set apart. Think back over the past few days or weeks, have you set apart God and kept him wholly and holy in your heart? Jesus taught us the greatest commandment was to love God with all of our heart, mind, strength, and soul. Are there times when you haven’t followed this commandment?

Response: Take time to reflect on how you have fallen short in keeping God’s name holy. Confess when your heart has been swayed to love or trust in something other than God. Be reminded that God is the Father who runs to prodigals and loves you unconditionally even at your worst.

May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need.

Question: Have I placed my hope in anything other than God’s purpose?

People, political parties, and money are all possible places people put their hope in. King Saul’s downfall began when he lost hope and trust in God. He needed to go fight a battle, but he couldn’t go without first having a ceremony with God. He had been waiting for the prophet Samuel to arrive, but when people started to leave, he took matters into his hands. When he saw that the numbers in his army were dropping, he sacrificed to God. Because of Saul’s disobedience, God chose a new person to eventually be king. What parts of your life have you taken into your hands? Where have you lost hope that God is at work? What situations are you facing that you don’t believe God can redeem with good?

Often we think about the grandiose when thinking about the will of God. But Jesus’ prayer reminds us to pray for God’s will day by day and moment by moment. Have you been asking the Holy Spirit to lead you each moment of your day? Have you felt the Holy Spirit speaking, but you have yet to act on that guiding? Maybe life has been so good for you lately that you have forgotten to seek God at all. Jesus’ prayer reminds us to seek God’s will in both the good times and the bad.

Response: Take time to search your heart and determine where you have misplaced or lost hope. Confess your desire to trust only in God and not in the things of this world. Spend some time reflecting on what it means for God’s will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Where have you been responsive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance? Have you ignored the Spirit or, in the normal passing of time, forgotten to ask for God’s will to be revealed? Remember that God knows and cares for the sparrows. Think how much more He knows and cares for you and what you do and care about.

And forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

Question: Do I have sins that need to be forgiven and is there any lack of forgiveness in my heart?

When we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive. He forgets them, and we are free from condemnation. But confession is active and should be as specific as possible. When we confess, we acknowledge that what we deserve is spiritual death. But instead, we receive mercy. And through His grace, we gain access to the throne room of God. We are no longer outsiders but co-heirs with Jesus. Grafted onto the true vine.

But let us not be like the man who was forgiven much but could not forgive a little. If God is faithful to forgive, who are you to withhold forgiveness from someone? Forgiveness does not mean that you have to accept another person’s behavior or allow it to continue. But it does mean, you have to let go of the bitterness that forms in your heart when you refuse to forgive. Bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping it kills the other person. You destroy your soul when you refuse to forgive.

Response: Confess your sins. Repent. Ask God to search your heart and reveal any you omitted or were not aware of. Then let go of any lack of forgiveness you are holding against another person. Do it in person if you can. If not send a text or email. Or just do it in your heart, but don’t let the bitterness continue to take root.

And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.

Question: Where am I struggling with temptation and need rescue?

Jesus’ prayer assumes that we will be tempted. Jesus himself was tempted. Yet God does not allow us to be tempted beyond that which we can resist. When we rely on God’s strength through the Holy Spirit, we are freed from the shackles of sin. But, we are so easily entangled when we are not vigilant. So we may need to pray daily. Sometimes, we may need to pray moment by moment.

We do not fight a battle of flesh and blood but one against the spiritual realities. Our weapons are faith and prayer. If you need rescue, pray to our deliverer. He is faithful. When you walk through the shadow of darkness and death, He is there and His rod and staff comfort you. God has not promised that there would be no troubles or trials in this world. Jesus told His followers there would be much trouble. But then He reminded them that He had overcome the world.

Response: Ask God for help in areas where you face temptation. Cry out to God for deliverance and rescue. Remember, God loves you and is with you. Keep going! Don’t give up hope! Even if things look hopeless and dark, God is with you, even until the very end of time.

Wash, Rinse, and Repeat for a Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Hopefully, you will take some time with each question and response this week. If you feel that need for a spiritual spring cleaning, don’t wait, do it now. But this process doesn’t just have to happen in spring. Maybe you need to do it weekly or monthly. Or maybe once a quarter. However often you do it, I pray that it brings you renewed hope, freedom from your sin, and a renewed strength to love God with all that you have.


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