May 27, 2012

These days, as spring turns to summer, the garden is insistent with one message:  Give it away, or lose it all. Early in the development of a garden, it’s about procurement.  Picking out plants, choosing a place for them, seeing how they do.  With the kinds of perennials I tend to favor, that is both fun and highly interactive.  Many of the flowers in my yard have stories that go along with them about who gave them to me, stories... Read more

May 26, 2012

For Sunday, May 27th, I titled the worship service at the Church of the Restoration, “Sex and War: Love and Hope.”  My title mostly came from a 2008 book by Malcolm Potts and Tom Hayden, Sex and War: How Biology Explains Warfare and Terrorism and Offers a Path to a Safer World. It’s a very interesting book, but not what I am thinking about this afternoon. When I arrived at the church today, the lovely man who changes the lettering... Read more

May 25, 2012

Press power on the remote control, television on and every moment of viewing we are confronted with images that shame us into wanting to reject parts of our being turn our bodies and ourselves into slimmer, younger, lighter, leaner smarter, whiter, wealthier, straighter versions of our selves. Magazines tell us what not to wear along with 7 surprising things that turn guys off And what men want during the NFL halftime. Messages crafted to ensure we remember that who we... Read more

May 24, 2012

I thought I understood the meaning of Memorial Day. I thought the military uniform hanging in my closet taught me the meaning of Memorial Day. I thought that growing up the child of a soldier, and the grandchild of a sailor taught me the meaning of Memorial Day. But I was wrong. I sensed the meaning of Memorial Day. A few years ago I preached a sermon about standing at the Vietnam Wall with my father, watching him trace names... Read more

May 23, 2012

  Women’s studies classes in college introduced me to the idea of feminine images of God/goddess. Frankly, I hadn’t really much thought about it up to that point. God was simply not an idea that I much related to, since God seemed to be distant, vague, and to alternate unpredictably between benevolent and judgmental. But a mother God, a God with a (metaphorical) lap to sit in, a God who was one with the earth and fertility and creativity, that... Read more

May 22, 2012

In her best-selling Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins imagines a world of the future—a dystopian reality in which North American society has been replaced with a world where workers toil for the good of a small elite, threatened with the use of force, and given hope only by the small chance of winning a deadly game. What makes the world of The Hunger Games so eerie is that we can see remnants of our present-day reality in it—enough remnants that... Read more

May 21, 2012

So I’m listening to Garbage’s Only Happy When It Rains, mindlessly singing along with Shirley Manson. Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me. I’m sure the song is mocking those Eeyores among us, the Debbie Downers, the ones who feel so good when they “feel so sad.” I mean, haven’t we known those types? The ones who excitedly call us up to tell us about the pitfalls of their newest romance, or are the first to post... Read more

May 18, 2012

In the story of the Little Prince, there is a compelling scene in which he arrives on a new planet and encounters a businessman.   We know it’s a businessman because he is counting he is too busy counting to lift his head in response to the Little Prince’s greeting. He is behind his desk working on a huge ledger, counting, much like this:   “Three and two make five. Five and seven make twelve. Twelve and three make fifteen.... Read more

May 17, 2012

One of the things about being a parish minister is that your schedule is constantly being changed by people’s needs and crises. You can be on your way out the door when you get a phone call: someone needs to talk, so you talk. It could be a church leader who just wants to review an agenda, it could be someone whose daughter is driving her crazy, or it could be the music director wanting to check something about Sunday’s service. Whatever it is, you... Read more

May 16, 2012

Last week I bought new windshield wipers for my car and I was amazed at how much better I could see! These new wipers were like a miracle – with just a few strokes they swiped the windshield clean, giving me a clear view of the road ahead. For weeks I had been driving with impaired vision without even realizing it. I just assumed that everyone looked out windshields like mine, through streaks and skips and stripes, straining to see... Read more

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