Lest You Forget

Lest You Forget June 21, 2007

“Embryonic stem-cell research requires the destruction of life to create a stem cell. I’m the first president ever to allow funding — federal funding — for embryonic stem-cell research. I did to because I too hope that we’ll discover cures from the stem cells and from the research derived. ” — G.W. Bush. October 8. 2004. Presidential Debate.

While some people might praise President Bush for not increasing federal funds or the limits by which embryonic stem-cell research will be done, one should not forget he made it a matter of bragging rights that he was the first president to officially oversee its funding.

If he really is pro-life, and just a politician playing games, why did he brag about his accomplishments with embryonic stem-cells? If I believed someone were a murderer, I would not give them money to perform experiments on their victims.

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