“The Pragmatic Center”

“The Pragmatic Center” February 7, 2008

In what sense — to use Gerald’s term — does Obama’s good showing on Super Tuesday indicate the “resurrection” of the “pragmatic center”?  Seriously.  Sen. Obama — who is clearly, in many ways, an attractive and decent person — was recently rated the most “liberal” (scare quotes used to anticipate Morning’s Minion’s objection to the term, which is not mine) Senator in Congress.  He’s down-the-line, 100%, for (what in America goes by the name of) the left-liberal line.  Even his (very good) speeches do not promise centrism and non-ideological compromise; they promise efforts to unite America around his own, 100% left-liberal views.  If those are your views, great.  But if not . . .

And, of course, unlike even Jerry Nadler, Obama voted against — and gave deeply troubling reasons for voting against — the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.  Where’s the evidence (besides the nice speeches) that Obama takes us beyond “ideological politics”, or that he is “willing to exchange ideas and strategies”?

Now, as it happens, there is a candidate in the race, also a Senator, also with an inspiring life story, who actually does have a record (for better or worse) of compromise and collaboration “across the aisle”, who (unlike Obama) has actually taken political risks in opposing torture and nativism, and who (unlike Obama) does not think there should be a constitutional right to snuff out a helpless newborn who manages to survive an abortion.  I’m just sayin’ . . . .

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