Worth a Look: From Around the Web

Worth a Look: From Around the Web March 13, 2008

From Jerry Z. Muller, Professor of History at the Catholic University of America: Us and Them: The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism. Muller argues that ethnic nationalism is hugely powerful in any multiethnic society, that it is not going away anytime soon, and that ethnic disaggregation or partition is often the least bad answer. Sociologist Robert Putnam has studied places like Los Angeles closely, and the future is not terribly promising. In sum, more “diversity” may well mean less trust and social capital. The Boston Globe reported on his work here. From Cato Unbound, a provocative essay on patriotism. In the Village Voice, one of America’s most prominent dramatists and screenwriters, David Mamet, explains why he is no longer a man of the left. Ross Douthat, a sharp fellow and one of my favorite commentators, considers prostitution and morality. Jonah Goldberg, whose excellent new book I reviewed here, responds to Michael Tomasky’s criticism which may be read here.

Finally, and most troublingly, Christiana Hoff Summers asks: Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man? This is a very important article (and not just for the fascinating tidbits about Math 55). It seems possible that Title IX will be expanded to science and math education. If so, expect some seriously damaging social engineering. Why must it be considered so unhealthy – absent any discriminatory barriers to entry – if men and women tend not to have the same interests or aptitudes? To appease the ego and status posturing of those who know better than us, of course.

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