From Around the Web: Worth a Look

From Around the Web: Worth a Look August 15, 2008

Commonweal reviews the new Brideshead Revisted film. (Catholics will have good reasons for disappointment.) A good case for hating the new Batman film (which I didn’t). A consideration of St. Augustine from an Orthodox perspective. From Gene Expression: the contingent conditions of of religion and some data on why pornography is not in the cultural mainstream. Jacques Barzun on cultural decline. Heather MacDonald writes about a difficult summer for Los Angeles city employees (and here is a news report about LA’s “race war”). The London Review of Books has an informative summary of how Putin has been able to wield such enormous power, with both troubling and impressive results. Charles Murray has a proposal for higher educational reform. Daniel Larison and Kyle Cupp offer thoughts about politics and historical narratives.

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