Comparing McCain and Obama

Comparing McCain and Obama August 17, 2008

What is your greatest moral failure and the greatest moral failure of America?

McCain: The failure of my first marriage and the lack of devotion to causes beyond our self-interests.

Obama: I experimented with drugs and drank, owing to selfishness on my part, and not living up to the standard set by Matthew 25 to serve the least or our brethren.

What is your position on abortion?

McCain: Human rights apply at the moment of conception, and I will be a pro-life president.

Obama: I am pro-choice, not because I am pro-abortion, but because I don’t think women make these decisions casually but in consultation with their doctors, spouses, or pastors. My goal is to reduce abortions.

Most interesting moment: Obama ducks the question of when human rights begin whereas McCain answers without hesitation. Question is, does either really affirm in practice what he asserts in theory?

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