Vatican official: support for death penalty “denies the hope of redemption”

Vatican official: support for death penalty “denies the hope of redemption” October 9, 2008

From Catholic News Service/USCCB:

Support for the death penalty is a denial of the basic Christian belief that God can turn any person from a life of sin, a Vatican official told a group of justice ministers, judges and lawmakers examining positions on capital punishment.

Archbishop Agostino Marchetto, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, spoke Sept. 29 at the conference “No Justice Without Life,” which gathered representatives from 16 countries in Rome for a daylong meeting.


“Despite everything, the church has always and will always defend the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death as a universal value,” the archbishop said.

If one accepts that respect for human life reflects the reality that God created people in his image and likeness, he said, then “the death penalty increasingly appears to be an unacceptable instrument even more than being a useless and dangerous one.”

“As Christians, how can we accept that someone be denied the hope of redemption?” the archbishop asked. “A man or a woman who made a mistake, who committed a crime, no matter how brutal, must have the possibility of being forgiven — while serving a tough sentence — and of living in hope.”

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