From Around the Web: Worth a Look

From Around the Web: Worth a Look October 30, 2008

A struggling novelist was ”The Term Paper Artist.” Luther City revisits the Protestant Reformation. Bernard-Henri Lévy on anti-semitism. For a price, you can clone your dog. The sad story of one family and Jonestown. MTV has made almost all of its music videos available here. A photo gallery of a disgraced CEOs. The U.S. dropout picture is very grim. From two of our best independent journalists….Heather MacDonald on the ideology of mass immigration and Steve Sailer gives a serious fisking to Paul Krugman. The first chapter of his new book about Obama is available here. More is online for a temporary time here. Emily Yoffe writes about why humans are so quick to offense. Steven Pinker on why people use swear words. A journalist writes about press treatment of McCain. An interview with Archbishop Chaput. The rest is archived here. Conor Friedersdorf writes that we need more like Tom Wolfe. T aka Ricky Raw demonstrates the Rearden in action. In the New York Times, law professor Glenn Reynolds writes that the vice-president is a member of the legislative. Will Bush get credit for his policies on the homeless? An informative discussion of race between Jim Kalb and a black reader. Kalb’s new book on the tyranny of tolerance. If you doubt Mark Helprin is one of our best contemporary writers, read this. Ross Douthat has been on a blogging tear lately: the problem with attacking Obama and considering reform conservatism and reasons why Jindal will be popular. An appreciation of an under-appreciated genius, Wilhelm Ropke. A brief survey of innovation. Why it matters that we have policies and politicians who will restrict abortion.

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