Celebrating Advent in the Home

Celebrating Advent in the Home December 11, 2008

We are in the midst of Advent right now and I thought Iwould share how we observe it in our home.
We have our advent wreath on our dinner table. We light a candle once a week and pray the Advent prayers. In my household, my mom put together our family prayers and made a book for each of us so that we may use it in our own homes. Over the years she added extra stories, or extra prayers and songs, most of them from our Protestant days that we still incorporate.
My daughter also has her Advent Calendar which has a piece of chocolate behind a little window. This year’s calendar features Fair Trade Chocolate from SERRV Int’l and was given to her by Auntie. Behind every window is either a picture or some story leading up to Christmas. She ADORES it.
What do you all do for Advent?

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