Freedom 2 Care

Freedom 2 Care May 21, 2009

There has been concern that in the near future, either under President Obama, or some future President, health care workers might lose their right to object to performing abortions (or other medical procedures which they consider to go against their consciences). While we are not there yet, it is wrong to assume this could not happen. There are certainly many voices who are trying to consider abortion or euthanasia not just to be choices, but a rights, and rights to be enforced by the rule of law.

We should work in all our capacity to make sure this does not happen. We must make sure we make our point properly — that is, in charity through truth. If the words we say end up to be false, if we claim something to be which is not the case, that will only hurt our case.

One place which is trying to work on this is Freedom2Care, which you can go to here: . Look into it, see if it is something you would like to work with. It’s an important issue. Obviously when working with each other, we must recognize the fact that our approach will be different from time to time. I think some elements of the website tend to be sensationalistic and fearmongering in attitude — but I also think, despite that, it is a good effort to work with. But let’s not make it the only way to address these issues. Let it become one of many such projects.

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