President Obama Did Not Demonize The Pro-Life Movement.

President Obama Did Not Demonize The Pro-Life Movement. June 1, 2009

I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.

–President Obama

Reading a few commentaries on the blogosphere about these words indicate how desperate many people are to find something to say against the president, that they are willing to use a monstrous act (the killing of a fellow human being without just cause or authority) to make a political point against him. They say these words are “demonizing” the “pro-life” movement. How so? Where does it say the “pro-life” movement is interested in committing violence? It doesn’t. That there are some who are anti-abortion who do end up violent is a given (this is not the first time we have anti-abortion violence, remember). The pro-life movement, instead of demonizing the president over these words, needs to say, “yes,” and use these words to press forward, to remind the world that all life is sacred, all life is of value, even the life of someone who has done great sin. It’s at that point when you find out whether or not you are pro-life or just anti-abortion. If you want to convince the world to be pro-life, you must live out the sacredness of life, all life, yourself.

There are some who fear that the death of Tiller will harm the pro-life cause. No. It won’t. The pro-lifers who don’t see the sacredness of all life, and get upset when the president reminds them that violence and the taking of life is not permissible – they are the signs that the pro-life movement is already ruined.

It’s time for a conversion of hearts. Within the pro-life movement. Until that happens, the cause is now lost.

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