Sounds Like a Ticking Bomb Scenario To Me…

Sounds Like a Ticking Bomb Scenario To Me… June 8, 2009

From the Washington Post:

“The man charged with murdering a high-profile abortion doctor claimed from his jail cell Sunday that similar violence was planned around the nation for as long as the procedure remained legal, a threat that comes days after a federal investigation launched into his possible accomplices.”

If this is the case, then why not subject Roeder to the “enhanced interrogation techniques” that clearly, according to the Cheneyists, do not constitute torture, and are quite helpful in gathering information to save lives? Why not waterboard him? Why not subject him to sensory deprivation? Why not subject him to prolonged stress standing? Why not prevent him sleeping for weeks on end? Why not slam him against the wall for hours on end? Why not hang him from the ceiling in excruciating pain? Why not put him in a cold cell with no clothes? Why not threaten the lives of his family and friends? Why not…? Why are the Cheneyists so silent? Don’t these techniques work so well? Or do they only work against non-Americans?

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