Catholic Church to France: Don’t Ban the Veils

Catholic Church to France: Don’t Ban the Veils February 2, 2010

The Catholic Church has spoken out against banning the veil in France.  As reported on Islam Online, the New York Times, and The Daily Mail, they see it as an issue of minority rights and religious liberty. Moreover, it has been pointed out that the veil is seen as non-obligatory by French Muslims, and there is debate in France (and in Muslim nations) about its use. However, if the state were to ban it in public, it might have those women who have not taken up the veil to do so in solidarity with their fellow Muslim women, not because they agree with the veil, but because they feel those who do are being wrongly targeted by religious persecution.

This is right. Yes, we know, Christians are not given the same rights in Muslim nations, but we must remember, Muslims have not always been given the same rights in Christian ones. The failure of the Christians is what should concern us. The question is not, “What do the Muslims do,” but, “What is right?” The Christian response should always be to do what is right, even if others do not do so. We are supposed to be the salt of the earth. We are to lead by example. If we cannot do it, as Christians under grace, how can we expect others to do it?

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