Who said it? Corapi or Dick?

Who said it? Corapi or Dick? June 27, 2011

Here’s a quiz to see how well you know the Blacksheep Dog, John Corapi, and how well you know the sci-fi author, Philip K. Dick. This is a simple quiz. Read a quote, and figure out who said it.

Was it Corapi? Or was it Dick?

1. You and I are called to bring forth good fruit.

2. It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.

3. My schedule for today lists a six-hour self-accusatory depression.

4. The buck stops here with you and with me.

5. A man is an angel that has gone deranged.

6. This, to me, is the ultimately heroic trait of ordinary people; they say no to the tyrant and they calmly take the consequences of this resistance.

7. IF… What an enormous word it is with only two letters.

8. I don’t like being seen. I don’t like being the center of attention.

9. Everything in life is just for a while.

10. How are you going to love someone you don’t know?

11. An acorn is an acorn, it cannot develop into a rabbit.

12. I don’t believe in suppressing the truth.

13. Fish cannot carry guns.

14. The acid test of humility is obedience.

15. What they do not comprehend is man’s helplessness. I am weak, small, of no consequence to the universe. It does not notice me; I live on unseen. But why is that bad? Isn’t it that way? Whom the gods notice they destroy. Be small… and you will escape the jealousy of the great.

16. Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.

17. Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.

18. The drunk who ran into the tree said, ‘I don’t believe in trees’.

19. All is NOT well.

20. Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.

21. There are no private lives. This a most important aspect of modern life. One of the biggest transformations we have seen in our society is the diminution of the sphere of the private. We must reasonably now all regard the fact that there are no secrets and nothing is private. Everything is public.

22. Freedom can be enslaved.

23. Sin is cancer, it eats a person up.

24. The person I am now, compared with the person in the dream, has been baffled and defeated and only supposes he enjoys a full life. In the dreams, I see what a full life really consists of, and it is not what I really have.

25. The problem with introspection is that it has no end.

26. In a civil war… every side is wrong. It’s hopeless to try to untangle it. Everyone is a victim.

27. When you are crazy you learn to keep quiet.

28. Freedom has limits.

29. We look in every place but the right place.

30. To live is to be haunted.

31. We do not know until we are tested.

32. You are the stars of Heaven, so shine brightly.

33. In wretched little lives like that, someone must intervene. Or at least mark their sad comings and goings. Mark and if possible permanently record so they’ll be remembered. For a better day, later on, when people will understand.

34. Many of us would prefer to take the easy way out.

35. It is no small thing to let your children get away with murder.

36. Don’t try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.

37. The hell with the newspapers. Nobody reads the letters to the editor column except the nuts. It’s enough to get you down.

38. Little kids are that way; they feel if their parents aren’t watching what they do then what they do isn’t real.

39. To say, I will let my children wait until they are 21, then they can make up their own minds is absurd. By then, they have already lost their souls.

40. It is amazing that when someone else spouts the nonsense you yourself believe you can readily perceive it as nonsense.


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