Whole Foods: An Interesting Situation

Whole Foods: An Interesting Situation August 14, 2009

According to this Inside Catholic post, Hmmm… a boycott? No thanks. some “liberals” are now going to boycott Whole Foods because the CEO of Whole Foods is not supportive of health care reform. Inside Catholic is referencing to this article on ABC which is reporting the boycott, with people saying they will never shop there again because of the CEO’s position. In response to this, some on Inside Catholic suggest they will go against the protest and help support the company, and ponder whether or not “tea baggers” will now get organic tea from Whole Foods.

Now here is the twist: Pro Life Groups have long been targetting Whole Foods with a boycott because of its tremendous support of Planned Parenthood. One such boycott notice can be read here .

Question: which issue will be seen as more important? Being in solidarity with Whole Foods because it rejects health care reform, or being in solidarity with pro life groups in boycott of Whole Foods?

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