Holy Father Reaffirms Protecting Immigrant Families

Holy Father Reaffirms Protecting Immigrant Families April 20, 2008

The Holy Father touched on many many issues while he was here. And one of those issues was immigration. Evidently he struck a nerve because Representative Tancredo of Colorado had this to say:

Accusing the pope of “faith-based marketing,” Mr. Tancredo said Benedict’s comments welcoming immigrants “may have less to do with spreading the Gospel than they do about recruiting new members of the Church.” Mr. Tancredo, a former Catholic who now attends an evangelical Christian church, said it was not in the pope’s “job description to engage in American politics.”

Keep in mind Tancredo was the one who ran this campaign advertisement that said “immigrants rape your children.”

The Pope had this to say:

The separation of families “is truly dangerous for the social, moral and human fabric” of Latin and Central American families, the pope told reporters aboard his plane. “The fundamental solution is that there should no longer be a need to emigrate, that there are enough jobs in the homeland, a sufficient social fabric,” he said. Short of that, families should be protected, not destroyed, he said. “As much as it can be done it should be done,” the pontiff said.

The pope did not just send a message to the president and the public, he spoke to the bishops. In his private meeting with them on Wednesday evening, he emphasized that recent newcomers to the United States are “people of faith, and we are here to welcome them,” Cardinal Mahony said.

For the whole story, go here.

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