Quote of the Week: Adrienne von Speyr

Quote of the Week: Adrienne von Speyr January 7, 2009

Apostasy is absolute fragmentation, the opposite of the unification in the Church and in the Lord brought by faith. At first the apostate is like a member in the body of the Church that begins to hurt because it wants to make itself separate; when it has fallen away from the body, it disintegrates further and further into its component parts. Apostasy is the sin that forever generates new sin. Its time is never now but already just past. Every possibility of arrival at completion is already cut off by a contrary construction. One could also express it the other way round: every sin that goes on generating sin in this way is an aspect of apostasy. The possibility of apostasy lies in every sin. There is a kind of determination to sin that can with unbelievable speed turn into apostasy.

 –Adrienne von Sepyr, The Passion from Within. Trans. Sister Lucia Wiedenhover, O.C.D. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1998), 82-3.

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