This week the big news has been how the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have refused to compromise on a border security bill. Despite a bipartisan effort to secure our southern border, the power-hungry party refuses to accept the offer.
Because they are beholden to their so-called leader, the representatives keep asking for more and aren’t willing to give any ground. Their corruption has kept them from being content with anything good for the country.
- Greed
- Lack of compassion
- Selfishness
The irony of the entire situation is the GOP is supposed to be the conservative/Christian party. The speaker even claims to be appointed by God Himself. The former president believes he is the savior of America and the entire free world.

How can you be conservative if you’re always wanting more? The party has turned from biblical teachings in pursuit of more power and money instead of compromising and learning how to be content.
Contentment is a state of being happy or satisfied, despite our circumstances. Contentment is the antidote for greed and selfishness.
Perhaps that is why Christianity values contentment highly (Matthew 6:31-34, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:.12.) The Apostle Paul understood what it meant to have needs and wants.

Contentment is a sign of maturity. The wise learn how to be satisfied with their lot in life.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for content is Sāḇēaʿ and it also means satisfied, happy—regardless of one’s circumstances. Much like our idea of joy, contentment isn’t based on our circumstances.

Contentment is a basic Jewish teaching because it focuses on God’s will instead of the ways of the world and our hearts. God’s people’s happiness comes from God, not whatever this world has to offer.
Happiness is one of the goals for God’s people according to the mitzvah; God’s people are called to serve God with joy, not legalism or drudgery. The Jewish Mitzvot (law) is divided into three sections.
- Mishpatim
- Edot
- Chukim
The Jewish law was given to God’s people to help them be content and different from a fallen world that always wanted more. Jesus understood that the temptations of this life distract us and keep us from becoming content (Matthew 6: 24.)
King Solomon advised God’s people to find their satisfaction in their work for God, because pleasure and things can never satisfy the God-shaped hole in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:1-3.)
The Apostle Paul taught that godliness and contentment are great gain because we can’t take anything with us to the grave (1 Timothy 6:6-10.) He knew the lusts of the flesh always want more (Proverbs 27:20.)
the fall of mankind began in the garden when the first Adam wasn’t content with what God had given him and wanted more (Genesis 3:6.) Mankind lived in paradise with God and still wanted more!
Like Satan, they wanted to have everything like God. They walked with God, but listened to Satan because he promised them more. Like the first Adam many today have exchanged the good of God for temporary happiness.

- Knowledge
- Pleasure
- Power
Humanity forfeited its wholeness with God for the happiness of Satan and this fallen world. That is why Jesus taught His Disciples to be different and not use their authority to rule over others like the evil rulers of this world (Matthew 20:25-29.)
We live in a fallen and unholy world that can never satisfy the desires of God’s people, we are called to be different in every aspect from the world we live in. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Much is done for the devil in the name of God.” The people of God must learn to be content with God (Sāḇēaʿ .)