This week was full of domestic and international news. President-elect Trump announced plans to retake the Panama Canal and pursue annexing Canada and Greenland. Trump first considered purchasing Greenland in his first term.
Denmark, which controls Greenland, has already responded to Trump’s plan, as has Canada’s safety minister, as laughable. The president of Panama has also condemned Trump’s ludicrous plans to seize control of foreign territories.
We see a so-called conservative leader acting and believing like the world instead of obeying God and following His ways (Exodus 23: 25, Deuteronomy 28:1. ) America will never be great as long as it practices the ways of this corrupt world.
- Oppressive
- Deceptive
- Autocratic
I am still trying to wrap my mind around how conservatives who claim to be Christian and in the light can so easily support a power-hungry antichrist who does the opposite of everything Jesus taught His followers to be and pursue.
Like with the Mityavnim they have sided with the world and its ways, instead of being obedient and belonging to God. Maga is consumed with earthly greatness and temporary treasures, instead of the Kingdom of God and eternal life.
They have forgotten Jesus warned we cannot serve two masters and we must store up treasures in heaven, not here on earth (Matthew 6:19-24.) These people have bought the lies and promises of the false god Lucifer who deceived Adam and Eve also (Genesis 3:24-27.)
What are False Gods?
There has been a false God since before the creation of the world. Satan aspired to be greater and greater than God, then he led a third of the angels astray before God kicked them out of heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:4-9.)
We often view false gods as lifeless idols, but false gods are anything we place our hope and trust in to sustain us. A false god is defined as, “Idols, effigy or anything that can become an object of affection in place of God.” Satan has always tempted man with whatever he wants because Satan wants to be worshiped like God.
Ever since the fall, Satan has been deceiving man and leading them astray from God with temporary happiness and earthly greatness (Genesis 3:9-13.) Satan wants to be God so bad he has his own unholy Trinity (Satan, the world, the flesh;) on earth, false gods vie for the affection, devotion, and the hearts of mankind.
The Bible warns God’s people to be careful who they believe and follow because the hearts of man are easily led astray (John 8:44, Romans 6: number 23, 2 Timothy 3:13, 1 John 3:7, 2 Peter 2:1-22.) The apostles remembered their Jewish education about the false gods of this evil world.
The ancient world had a God for everything. Ancient deities promised protection, prosperity, and eternal life. These false gods were actually powerless idols that only deceived men and led them away from God. The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for false God is šēḏ and it can also mean, “demon or devil,” depending on the context it was used in.
God called His people out of the darkness of this corrupt world, then delivered them from the oppression of Egypt and their false gods to be a nation devoted to Him and His ways (Leviticus 20:26, Deuteronomy 7:6-8.)
God gave His people specific commandments to keep them from turning to the false gods of this world and to help them be devoted to His ways (Exodus 20:2-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21.)
- I am the Lord thy God
- Have no other gods before Me
- Do not take the Lord’s name in vain
- Keep the Sabbath holy
- Honor thy mother and father
- Do not murder
- Thou shall not commit murder
- Don’t steal
- Do not bear far as witness
- Don’t cover thy neighbor
Jesus taught His followers to stay faithful to the one true God (Matthew 22:37-40.) When Jesus was tempted by Satan who offered Him earthly greatness, Jesus refused to bow to the false God because He was faithful to God alone (Matthew 4:1-4.)
Jesus denied Himself because He was faithful to God the Father and taught His disciples to do the same or else they couldn’t follow Him (Luke 9:23.) Jesus’ teachings contradicted the popular worldly teachings of other rabbis who taught about achieving earthly greatness (Matthew 18:4.)
Before he left, Jesus warned His Disciples about false gods who would lead people astray and thirst for earthly power (Matthew 7:14.) When men aspire for earthly greatness and control they become false gods.
South Korea
Late this week South Korea voted to impeach its second president in as many weeks. Once again we see a spiritual truth, power in the wrong hands leads to corruption. The human heart cannot correctly handle power.
Earthly rulers only care about themselves, not the people or the ways of God (Ecclesiastes 5:8, Isaiah 10:1-2.) They just want the attention and power that comes from the position. False gods look out for themselves and they cannot save anyone (Psalm 115:4-8, Isaiah 46:6-7, Jeremiah 10:3-5.) False gods can only make people happy, but not holy.
- Greatness
- Prosperity
- Fame
The Maga agenda is neither American nor Christian, it only bows down to the false gods that make them happy but cannot save them (Jonah 2:8, Habbakkuk 2:18, 1 John 5:21.) When God’s people focus more on greatness and happiness they are easily led astray.
As the end of the old world nears we must be diligent in discerning God’s will before the new world comes (John 4:1, 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:21.) We can take nothing from this life into the next that is why we must avoid šēḏ (Job 1:21, 1 Timothy 6:7.)