The GOP, Hāmās, Lent And Lies

The GOP, Hāmās, Lent And Lies March 13, 2024

This week there has been lots of negative fallout over the GOP’s response to the president’s State of the Union. I chose not to watch the rebuttal live because I knew it would directly attack and contradict everything the State of the Union presented to the American people.


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A Republican Senator chose to give her statements from her home kitchen which disappointed both Republicans and Democrats. Her sense of humor fell flat on both sides of the aisle.

From her home, she misled viewers about a sex trafficking incident that actually occurred in 2003 while George Bush was in office. Unfortunately, this has become a common practice of the current GOP.

  • Greedy
  • Prideful
  • Deceptive

While I was growing up Republicans adhered to conservative/Christian ideals. Christian values have been replaced with political agendas or personal ideals.

Pro-life teaches all life is valuable to God, both in the womb and outside of it, American citizen or otherwise. To vilify a life because it is not up to one’s standards is unchristian (Exodus 20:13, Psalm 139:13-15, Matthew 25:31- 40.)

Conservatives used to understand the dangers of lies, even if they make us happy (Proverbs 12:22.) It was a lie in the garden that led humanity the wrong way!

The Wrong Way

I am old enough to know not everything that makes us happy isn’t from God. Lies always promise us more than what God intended. The first lie in the garden is what led humanity away from God in paradise. (Genesis 3:1-5.)

Wrong Way Signs
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For over 2000 years Christianity has taught God’s people not to follow the ways of the world, even if it makes us happy. Growing up in the church, I always heard anything that leads us away from God is a sin.

Sin is self-serving, which is the wrong way for God’s people. The Apostle Paul reminded the early church that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23-24.) The Apostle Paul remembered the Jewish teachings about sin.


Judaism has a clear understanding and dire warning of sin. Anytime we disobey God and break the law, we sin. A common Hebrew word for sin in the Old Testament is ḥāmās and it also means, “Wrong, cruel, unjust or false.”

God gave His people the law to help them not to sin. The Torah has 613 commands to help God’s people live the right way. Judaism teaches there are two impulses in every human, one good and one bad:

  1. Yetzer Ha-Tov
  2. Yetzer Ha-Ra
Ten Commandments
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Because we are sinful beings, God knows we need a Savior. I’m not talking about a politician or a political party. The Bible teaches us that Jesus was the only perfect man who could save the fallen creation (Matthew 5:48, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 1:19.)

Jesus taught God’s people the right way to live. The second Adam succeeded in the wilderness whereas the first Adam failed in the garden. The Bible is clear Jesus is our only Savior (John 3:16, Acts 4:12.)  Jesus didn’t accept a lie from Satan in the wilderness because He knew the truth and glory of Heaven!





Creation walked away from God over a twisted lie. Despite what many conservatives may believe, lying is a big deal to God (Psalm 101:7, John 8:44, Revelation 21:8.) Lies are the opposite of the truth, just like Satan is the opposite of Jesus.

One leads us to God and the other leads us the other way. As we celebrate these final days of Lent, we must remember to always live God’s way and follow truth. For our Lord suffered on the cross for the truth, because of the lies of men.

Jesus warned His followers about the dangers of lies (Matthew 24:4-5.) Jesus understood the appeal of lies that make us happy.

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  • Immoral
  • Corrupt
  • Deceptive





Mankind is always drawn to feel-good lies. Over the weekend former president Donald Trump campaigned in the state of Georgia where I live and continued to push the big lie from four years ago; a lie that has led many people the wrong way because it is ḥāmās!

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