April 6, 2015

Review of “Rearming Hinduism” REARMING HINDUISM: Nature, Hinduphobia and the Return of Indian Intelligence by Vamsee Juluri. 2015. Westland Limited. 250 pages. A version of this review first published by India Currents. Link here. We are far away from home, all of us immigrants, and we have forgotten the sensory world that cocooned us; the smell of fresh monsoons, the burning of skin in the noonday sun, the taste of ripe mangoes in summer, the riot of colors worn by smiling... Read more

January 15, 2015

We often hear the words ‘career’ and ‘job’ being used interchangeably. However, the two terms are distinct and the sooner we can tell them apart, the better will be our outlook. A job pays the bills and gives us something to stay busy with. A career, on the other hand, is the story we tell about ourselves today and in the future. Mohandas K Gandhi’s job was to be an advocate in South Africa, but his career was built as... Read more

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