May 23, 2012

What do you do when your friend’s child is a brat? Come on over to Whole Mama and let’s chat about it. Read more

May 18, 2012

I came home from my walk along the Charles River last Saturday nearly euphoric.  Maybe you can’t imagine a river doing that for you.  Not long ago, I couldn’t have imagined it myself, but two things have changed since that time. First, I moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, a city that gives the phrase mind over matter a whole new meaning.  Here, ideas, and the brains that came up with those ideas, are what matter.  I lived with a guy in grad... Read more

May 17, 2012

My kids all have “Gift Giving” as their language of love. I do not. They love birthday gifts and Christmas gifts, special treats during the week, little surprises on a shopping trip.  And as they’ve gotten older, they also like giving gifts.  So as my birthday and Mother’s Day came 2 weeks apart, “What do you want?” became an ongoing refrain. “Obedience.” Many eye rolls.  “No!  What do you really want?” “I really want obedience.” More huffs, puffs and shaking of heads,... Read more

May 12, 2012

Ok, it is confession time… I don’t love Mother’s day. Before you think I need years of therapy, hear me out. Is it because I miss my mom who died too young?  Probably so.  But, I think it also has to do with the intense – yet highly imperfect – love I have for my own kids. Come to think of it – it’s probably a combination of both. So, I compose some version of the same letter in my head... Read more

May 11, 2012

Losing a child is every mother’s biggest fear. It’s a fear that Laura Clark faced on February 27, 2002, when her two-month-old son Wesley was found in his crib, not breathing. Despite emergency workers’ every effort, he died of SIDS at 1:06 that afternoon. Laura and her husband, Colby, were devastated, but throughout it all they felt God’s grace and love. They were utterly humbled a year later when, despite the odds, Laura delivered a healthy baby girl on February... Read more

May 10, 2012

What does it mean when you desire a hot fudge sundae more than sex with your loving, gorgeous, faithful, and servant-hearted husband? When I was still nursing my 2nd child, I attended a women’s conference with the goal of talking to friends about nurturing my marriage while having zero sex drive.  One friend, a former missionary in Africa, said, “That’s why polygamy always made sense to me.  If one wife is nursing and has no sex drive, the husband can go... Read more

May 4, 2012

Yes, today is May 4th… and you know what that means?  It’s “Star Wars Day!” For Jedi fans around the world, it’s a day to celebrate Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, and all the other Lucas creations we’ve come to love. What makes today even more special is that this month marks the 35th anniversary of the release of Star Wars, and fans seem as excited as ever about that galaxy far, far away. So WHY May 4th? The Telegraph... Read more

May 3, 2012

“Please don’t have her ask me to start a college ministry,” I prayed as I met with my pastor Meli to talk about what I’d be doing for my senior year practicum 25 years ago. Meli outlined the internship involving visiting the sick and dying, co-teaching two Sunday school classes, attending staff meetings and retreats and shadowing her through her day. And I kept praying she wouldn’t ask me to start a college ministry.  I had already watched 3 attempts crash... Read more

May 2, 2012

  1.  First, students, remember to major on minors:  Make no differentiation between social guffaws and moral absolutes.  In fact, invert your response if possible–For commandment-breaking acts, throw up your hands and say, Oh, she didn’t actually mean to lie.  And, for matters of indifference,  go bat-crud-crazy: HOW DARE YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT SHOES, and so on and so forth. 2.  Concern yourself with externals like ‘modesty’ over internals like ‘a growing resentment that will take years of therapy... Read more

April 29, 2012

This really touched me, and should be an encouragement to you musicians.   Read more on the Faith and Family Channel A Poignant Moment for Me The Joy of Pretty Things What It Was Like to Co-Write Bristol Palin’s Memoir A Military Wife’s Letter to her Local Church Read more

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