April 2, 2012

Parenting books are all the rage these days, but they’ve taken a different turn ever since Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, hit the shelves a year ago and struck a nerve. These current books aren’t filled with parental angst about the fragile state of a child’s self-esteem or soft lines such as, “Honey, you’re perfect the way you are...” Instead, the parenting is critical, harsh and results-oriented. Read more

March 30, 2012

What does she do when her kindergarten daughter writes, “I like to sin” on her school assessment? Here’s her funny story – hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Read more

March 29, 2012

When rumors that Tim Tebow might be traded from the Denver Broncos started growing amidst the drama surrounding Peyton Manning’s move last week, I paid extra attention to ESPN.  Like many of you, I’ve followed his career closely and traced the never-ending media coverage about his outspoken faith, his generous charity efforts, and of course, the highs and lows of his football performance both in college and the NFL.  I even reviewed Tebow’s book, Though My Eyes, for SixSeeds last... Read more

March 29, 2012

“What did YOU give up for Lent?” school friends would ask in the month before Easter.  As their resident Jesus freak, I surely would have given up something big—like all food and water. “Nothing.”  I would say,   “My church doesn’t do that.” In fact, growing up in my PC-USA church, I somehow missed out on Lent.  Instead, we had “One Great Hour of Sharing” where I took home a plastic bread shaped bank in which I was supposed to put small change... Read more

March 27, 2012

Hey Bristol, You don’t know me, nor do I know you.  I don’t even know much about your mother or her politics, having been scarred in childhood by parents who were so politically active dinner was sometimes forgotten.  I’ve never even watched Dancing with the Stars. All I know is that you are a woman, a daughter, a sister, and now, a mother–one without a husband, with all the stigma that brings. It’s funny, isn’t it, how quick the world... Read more

March 26, 2012

The Hunger Games series — about a girl taken from home to participate in annual games which will result in almost certain death — have been called the “new Twilight.” Both of these movie franchises come from best selling books aimed at teenagers, both have female lead characters, both have love triangles, and both have parents wrangling with suitability for their kids. However, I said no to Twilight and yes to Hunger Games for my kids, and here’s why. First,... Read more

March 23, 2012

  Anna, do you think GBC might cover this in an episode? A Texas atheist who earlier this year fought to ban religious symbols on government property in his town is reportedly “flabbergasted” that Christians have offered to help him pay his bills. The Tyler Morning Telegraph is reporting that Christians in Henderson County have raised around $400 to help Patrick Greene, an atheist who is at risk of going blind in one eye due to a detached retina. Greene, a former... Read more

March 23, 2012

I didn’t get a chance to write about an issue I know has been burning in many of your minds: This season’s finale of The Bachelor was one of the worst finales in the show’s history of bad finales. The season seemed to end on a high note — on a mountain, with Ben Flajnik, down on his knee asking Courtney Robertson to be his wife. So far, so good. Immediately following that episode, however, ABC aired The Bachelor: After the Final... Read more

March 22, 2012

There is no gospel: an understanding of our deep sin and our need for a Savior. There is no understanding of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Instead, GCB shows a “Christian” culture at its worst, with all of the Christian trappings and none of its essence. Read more

March 22, 2012

“Would I be considered an Asian-American actor?” asked my stage-struck 11 year-old thespian son after we listened to an NPR story about a Filipino play—notable because of the scarcity of Asian-American plays (and roles) out there. “Probably. . . do you consider yourself Asian-American?” “No, not really.” “Do you consider yourself White?” “No.” “What do you consider yourself?” He smiled a little sheepishly, “Hapa-Haole.” In Hawaii, folks of mixed ancestry are called “Hapa.”  “Hapa” means half.  “Haole” means “without breath,”... Read more

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