
One Hundred Questions book cover

Going Through the Mystery’s One Hundred Questions

By Dosho Port

Publisher:The Sumeru Press; 1st edition (March 1, 2023)

In Going Through the Mystery’s One Hundred Questions we sit together with a passionate Zen pilgrim, Yuantong, and his cold-blooded teacher, the Soto Zen master Wansong, also the teacher of Genghis Khan. They hail to us from sometime in the thirteenth century. We get to eavesdrop as a sincere student asks burning, heartfelt question after question. And as a genuine teacher responds with turning word after turning word.


Keep Me In Your Heart Awhile

The Haunting Zen of Dainin Katagiri
By Dosho Port

Publisher: Wisdom Publications
Copyright: 2009


“After my death I will come back and haunt over you, checking on your practice.” Dainin Katagiri Roshi, one of the greatest pioneers of Zen in America, said this frequently, teasing Dosho Port and his fellow students. For Dosho, Katagiri Roshi’s “haunting” still includes, to borrow a phrase from Warren Zevon, “keeping him in my heart a while” – continuing the intimate exploration of the indelible imprint that a Zen teacher leaves on a student’s heart.

Katagiri’s teaching was at once powerful, gentle, and sometimes almost even casual. For Dosho, some of the richest teachings came in these simple, casual moments during everyday interactions. The structure of this book is built around a series of such vivid truth-happening places, evocative of the ancient koans of the Zen tradition, touching on such topics as the nature and purpose of Zen, the dynamic and working of realization, and, of course, the functioning of the teacher-student relationship.