Friends of the Goose

Friends of the Goose February 6, 2011

Carl McColman is a friend of Wild Goose. Just this week he posted:

Like Greenbelt, Wild Goose will be a time for exploring the nexus between faith, art, and politics. Themes such as social justice, care for the environment, and community building will be woven together with inspirational music, art, and lectures, presenting a variety of viewpoints and artistic styles. Communal worship, family activities, theatre and film round out the mix. It promises to be a fabulous experience, and an opportunities for visionary and creative people from many backgrounds to connect over a three day period. Exact details have not been established yet, but it looks as if the inaugural Wild Goose Festival will take place the last weekend of June 2011, at a venue to be announced soon. The first one will be not-to-be-missed, for if this event follows the trajectory of Greenbelt, before too long it will be huge (20,000 people or more). But the first event will likely be much smaller and more intimate, since it will be just getting started.

Thanks for sharing with your readership, Carl!

If you blog, we’d love for you to spread the word about the Wild Goose Festival. Even if you don’t blog (or don’t very often these days), we’d love to connect with you on Facebook or Twitter @WildGooseFest (we’ll follow back!). Next week, we’ll announce our location and share more ways that you can be involved in co-creating the Wild Goose community.

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